Year 2 Weekly Blog - "Be the sun breaking through the clouds"

What a busy week it’s been! We started on Monday by reading and enjoying the final chapter of our story ‘The Owl Who Was Afraid of the Dark’. Before reading, the children made some super predictions about what they thought was going to happen based upon the structure of the previous chapters. All of the children had recognised that Plop was becoming increasingly braver in the dark within each chapter and really hoped that Plop would grow to be a night bird by the end of the story. Why not ask your child what happened to see if their hopes came true?

In maths this week we have moved on to learning all about fractions. We investigated the difference between equal and unequal groups before learning all about halves; both of shape and of number. The children are always such Enthusiastic Bobby Bees when we move on to new learning and have already asked so many Curious Clara Clownfish questions about what happens if a shape is divided into more than two equal parts … watch this space!

On Monday, as part of our HRSE learning, we were lucky enough to have a visit from the Lancashire Fire and Rescue Service. Within the session, the children learned lots of important knowledge and skills they may need if they are ever presented with a fire within the home and were asked to think carefully about their bedtime routines; what they can do in order to keep themselves safe and how they can help to prevent fires from starting. These are always such fun and informative sessions and the children asked so many sensible questions throughout. If possible, please do take the time to sit down and look through the fire safety leaflet that was brought home with your child. We all keep our fingers crossed that these things won’t happen, but it’s always good to discuss a plan and have these important conversations just incase.

It was so lovely to get outside and enjoy the gorgeous sunshine in our outdoor PE session this week. We had great fun developing our team work and communication skills whilst playing different games with the parachute. I was so proud of the children; they all listened to the instructions so carefully and played with great consideration of others.

Let’s Celebrate

Teddy, what a superb week of learning you have had!  You have shown such resilience and determination when completing your work and have even completed more than your expectations in most of our lessons.  You have been so positive and calm, and you’ve listened really carefully to advice about how to improve and keep going in your learning.  We’re so proud of you Teddy!

Logan, you have been such an Enthusiastic Bobby Bee this week!  Your concentration and focus has been amazing and you have played such an active role in our lessons.  It has been wonderful to see such positivity and confidence oozing from your body and you have tried really hard to complete every task to the best of your ability.  Well done!


On Monday 4th April, you are invited to join us in school to watch Year 2’s Easter Assembly - Palm Sunday. The assembly will begin at 9:10am and should last for approximately 15 minutes. We’re still wanting to keep everyone socially distanced in the hall and so are asking for up to two people from each child’s family to attend. Don’t hesitate to ask if you have any questions.

Let’s hope that this beautiful sunshine continues to shine throughout the weekend!
God Bless,
Miss Woodend and the rest of the Year 2 team