…and before we know it, it’s half term!

What a super final week it has been here in Reception! The children have been extra enthusiastic and determined to grow their brains in all of the areas of our provision. We have been enjoying learning a Superworm dance with some extra wiggly moves. Miss Neves has even made us our own crotched Superworms to be looked after over half term. Take a look in your reading folders for The Superworm Diary Challenge! Let the super adventures begin!

Such excitement in our garden today; our radishes were finally ready to be picked and everyone has come home with a tasty treat to enjoy over the holidays. We are hoping our sunflowers will be blooming when we return as we have shown great care towards them to help them grow.

In RE this week we have thought about the disciples and how they were feeling when Jesus ascended into heaven. We thought of some brilliant questions to ask Jesus and some brilliant describing words to say how the disciples were feeling.

Let’s Celebrate

Reception you have been wonderful, not only this week but throughout the whole of this half term! Well done for always being Sadie Spiders and Bobby Bees in everything that you do. Can’t wait to see what you will achieve in your final half term in Reception …. such exciting things to look forward to.

Important Notices

On June 8th we are celebrating in style with a Red White and Blue Day. Children can come to school wearing red, white and blue own clothes. At lunch time we will enjoy a whole school picnic outside on the field (let’s pray for a sunny day!). Jacqui, our school cook, has ordered special lunchboxes which will be filled with a picnic feast.

Our sports day is on Monday 13th June at 1:45pm and should last for 1 hour. Parents are welcome to come and watch. On this day please make sure your child comes to school in their PE kits, their water bottle, a sunhat and sun cream.

Please do check the school calendar. We have lots coming up when we return to school and we wouldn’t want you to miss anything.

We return to school on Monday 6th June at the normal times of 8:40am and 8:50am.

Have a wonderful holiday with your families and enjoy the jubilee celebrations!

The Reception Team