“For unto us a child is born.” Isaiah 9:6

It’s hard to believe we have finished our first term in Reception. The children have settled wonderfully and work hard with such enthusiasm! We are so proud of what they have achieved already and are looking forward to growing our brains even more! This week we have decided to give a whole class certificate. For being kind, enthusiastic, resilient, cooperative, creative and for amazing us everyday with your precious gifts and talents. Well done Reception!

What a week full of excitement ending with our Christmas party and delicious lunch. The children were brilliant playing games, they worked together when needed and left with a smile when they were out. We mastered the rules of musical chairs and danced like we had never danced before. The party was topped off by a zoom call from Father Christmas, we were so lucky to talk to him, as we know how busy he is at this time of year.

Over the last two weeks we have been working hard to create a Nativity for you to enjoy. Although we share your sadness you couldn’t see the acting, dancing and singing in person, we hope that this video will provide a lasting memory that can be shared and enjoyed over and over. Thank you for line learning, it really helped!

Finally, all that’s left to say is thank you for all you support over the last term. Keep up the reading over the holidays, you will find two books in reading packs. We wish you all a Merry Christmas filled with hope, peace, joy and love. Enjoy time spent with families and we look forward to welcoming you all back on Tuesday 4th January at the usual times of 8:40/50 after a good rest!

The Reception Team