Year 6 Christmas Blog - 'Such a big miracle in such a tiny baby.'

This week has been joyous in class. Not only this week, but this whole term. As exhausted as we all are, we know it is because we have had so much fun and we have worked so hard. We are all in need of a much needed rest this Christmas.

With a week to go until Christmas Day, we continue to remember and give thanks for the most precious gift - Jesus Christ. The children had led the KS2 classes in their Christmas Reflection. Please find a quiet place and enjoy the true meaning of Christmas.

This first term has absolutely flown by. When I reflect, I cannot believe how much work we have completed and the progress that has been made. Each and every child has worked the hardest they can possibly work. We know that when we return after Christmas, our focus will adjust slightly and the work will intensify, but we are more than ready for the challenge and we are determined to show just what we can do! I could not be prouder of the class - they are all miracles themselves.

Leading Learners

As always, the children vote for their learners of the half term. I asked the children to reflect on the progress that the class have made and they have voted for children who they feel have constantly strived to make progress.

Well done to Zac, Mark, Faye and Lily L!

Christmas Week

This is the best week of the year and yesterday we celebrated in Year 6 style at our Christmas party and ate Christmas dinner. Please enjoy our little film!

Thank you so much for your constant support this term. It has always been lovely to see you, hear from you at the gate of by email. On behalf of the Year 6 team, I wish you all a very happy and holy Christmas. Take care and stay safe.

God bless

Mrs Gregan