'Everyday is the beginning of a new experience.'

This week has been all about new experiences; from our enrichment morning in Year 4, a new ranger challenge and the opportunity to look ahead towards the next school year.

On Wednesday, Reception enjoyed a special visit to Year 1 to have a little taster of what their next learning adventure will look like! They spent the morning in their new classroom with Miss Hanlon and the wonderful teaching team, Mrs Maano and Mrs Ely. Reception came back with huge smiles on their faces and so many exciting things to tell us about Year 1. It is lovely to see how excited they are for this next chapter. They have certainly worked hard and there is no doubt that they have ‘grown their brains’ in Reception, accomplishing huge milestones like learning to read and write - to name just a few!

We know they will continue to shine brightly in Year 1 and we are extremely proud of each of them.

Fylde Rangers

Reception are thoroughly enjoying their Ranger experience and this week we have been continuing to think about our environment and local habitats this time with a lovely link to some of the popular Beatrix Potter animals! Reception also went outside into our school grounds to plant some silver birch trees. We love having lots of trees, plants and nature in and around our school grounds; we look forward to watching these grow over the next few years!

Next week, on Thursday 11th July, Reception will be going on a class trip to Fairhaven Lake for our final Ranger activity.

On this day children will need:
- To come to school dress in their PE kit
- To wear suitable footwear (trainers)
- A suitable coat (weather dependent)
- A small backpack to carry their lunch in
- Hair tied back & Earrings removed
- Gloves and wellies (these should be in school and will be taken with us)

Thank you!


This week, Reception enjoyed their final enrichment experience of the school year, and what better way to finish than with some delicious cooking! Reception went to Year 4 with Mrs Lyons and her team to create some delicious eton mess deserts, they had lots of fun making them and i’m sure even more fun was had eating them!

Let’s Celebrate…

Co-operative Roger Robin: Elijah!
Elijah, it has been wonderful to see how much you have enjoyed exploring your creative skills and how you have enjoyed working as part of a team to see how you can make group creations even better each time. You have problem solved, been resilient and shared your ideas whilst listening to others. All of these qualities are so important when working co-operatively and have helped you to create more detailed and interesting designs each time. It has been really lovely to see how much enjoyment and laughter you have shared with your team too!
Well done Elijah!

Determined Sadie Spider: Alex!
Alex, throughout your time in Reception you have continued to show us just how creative you can be. You are always looking for ways to make something even better by combining different skills and adding  more detail. What has been especially lovely to see, is how you have shared this creativity with others over the last few weeks and how this has excited and inspired others. You have combined your creativity and teamwork and it has been wonderful to see what have accomplished as part of a team and how much fun you have had doing it!
Well done Alex

Whole School Virtues - Generous and Grateful: Mia!
Mia, it is lovely to see how focused you have been on being a good learning partner during our phonics lessons. This generosity has not only helped your partner to grow their bran but it is lovely to see that you have seen how good it feels when we do something for other people. Thank you for inspiring us and sharing you generous acts of kidness with others.
Well done Mia!

Lunch Time Awards:

We also have lunch time certificates which are awarded by the lunch time team to those children who they see being wonderful role models and using marvelous manors:

This weeks role model: Rebecca!

This weeks marvelous manners: Kira!

Thank you both for being such wonderful role models and for remembering those acts of kindness everyday!

Important Information and Upcoming Events:

  • Reception Fylde Ranger Trip to Fairhaven Lake
    Thursday 11th July 2024
    Reception will be travelling to Fairhaven Lake by coach and will enjoy activities led by the Fylde Rangers as part of our Ranger experience. We will be continuing to learn about local animals and their habitats, rivers and estuaries.

    School will provide a packed lunch for children to take
    (choice of sandwich, fruit, cookie and water).

    On this day children will need:
    - To come to school dress in their PE kit
    - To wear suitable footwear (trainers)
    - A suitable coat (weather dependent)
    - A small backpack to carry their lunch in
    - Hair tied back & Earrings removed
    - Gloves and wellies (these should be in school and will be taken with us)

    The Fylde Ranger visits and activities have been paid for by school however; we kindly ask for a small payment towards transport for our trip. This has now been shared on Parent Pay.

    Thank you for your support.

  • Appropriate coats and clothing
    The weather is a little unpredictable at the moment but we kindly ask that children bring in a light rain jacket to school each day just incase. We like to enjoy as much time outside as possible!
    Thank you

    If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact Mrs Hartley

Have a lovely weekend,
God Bless,
The Reception team