Year 5 Weekly Blog 05.07.24- ' Hope is being able to see the light despite all the darkness'

Oh how the weeks fly by- only two weeks of the year left (which is really hard to believe). Yet again, the children have had to be flexible- with their usual days not being so usual at this time of the year. Practicing for the play has meant lots of time out of class but the effort, focus and commitment towards this has been excellent.

Our week kicked off with our final enrichment morning- with the children taking part in some morning gardening with Mrs Hotchkiss and Mrs Mather. The children could really apply their eco skills and get stuck straight into the tasks.

Wednesday was also a big day for the children as they got to spend the morning in their new class and with their new teaching team on our transition morning. The children were filled with both excitement and a few nerves. Mrs Harrison reported back to me to say how lovely the class were and that she saw huge potential in the class in such a short amount of time spent with them. The children set a series of personal goals to achieve in Year 6 along with playing some exciting games such as human bingo.

We finished our week off in celebration as the children came dressed in red, white or blue clothing to put us in the spirit of the Euro’s (we need all the hope we can get). A visit from NatWest was also a lovely surprise, in which the children took part in a fraud investigating lesson and how to look out for these dangers online.

Let’s Celebrate

  • Ben for being an enthusiastic learner: I have just loved watching you on stage throughout al of our play practices. You really are acting for every minute of the performance. Your comfort and confidence to perform has allowed you to throw yourself straight into any role asked of you. I can’t wait to see this in full motion when you’re in Year 6.

  • Ella for being a reflective learner: You are a child who uses our class council sessions so wisely Ella. You take in every word from your teachers on how we can improve in Year 5 and carry out our advice both in and out of the classroom. Keep being you- keep making the right choices and others will follow.

  • Virtue Butterflies: Our new virtues for the half term are grateful and generous. This weeks butterfly goes to Rafe. You are so generous with your time as you always spend some time after school to help tidy the classroom- even if it isn’t your mess to clean. Thank you Rafe!

Lunchtime Certificates

  • Marvellous Manners- Gabriella

  • Role Model of the Week- Millie


  • Wednesday 10th July Music Concert- This will take place at 2pm of this day to celebrate what the children have learned this year in music.

    There will be no music lesson on Monday but clarinets will have to be brought in on Wednesday

  • Thursday 11th July- We will be spending the day at St Bedes, along with many other schools in our area for a ‘PE Day’. Children are to come into school in their PE kits so there will be no need for watches and earrings. Plenty of water will be needed.

  • Friday 12th July Dominic’s Fundraiser Sports Afternoon- More information available on the blog page in Year 5.

  • Y5/Y6 End of Year Play- Letters regarding costumes for the children’s roles in the play have been sent out and need to be brought into school ASAP. There will be three performances of the play on these dates:

    • Monday at 6pm

    • Tuesday at 9:30am

    • Tuesday at 6pm

    Information regarding tickets is available on the Year 5 blog page.