‘Our family a circle of strength, founded on faith, joined in love, kept by God'
This week we thought about how we are a part of different families, we looked at our family photo’s. We discussed that we are all in Reception’s family, Our Lady Star of the Sea family and God’s family. We become a part of God’s family when we are baptised.
It would be lovely if you could send in photo’s of your child’s baptism so we can share in our next RE lesson.
Please email photo’s to: d.drummond@ourladystarofthesea.lancs.sch.uk
Another week has flown by, we have been very busy learning and we had another oportunity to meet our buddies for play time and for them to join us in Reception. It has been lovely watching their relationships develop.
Ask your child what did they do this week with their buddy?
Conversation Starter
Each week we will give you a question that we would like you to think about and discuss together at home. This could be over dinner time as a family, at bedtime, on a walk or even in the car. However you choose to discuss this question is up to you, but the idea is that it will help to give an insight in to what we talk about in school, help children to understand more about themselves or others.
What was the best thing you did this week?
What have we been learning this week:
Phonics: our sounds this week were ‘p’ (as in ‘popping') ‘g’ (short sound ‘grow’), ‘o’ (short sound orange) and ‘c’ (as in click sound in throat).
Reading Books: please can you sign to let us know you have read together at home.
Understanding the World: Thank you for the photos that have been sent in, the children have enjoyed seeing their pictures in the home corner and shared during RE. If you haven’t and are happy for your family pictures to be displayed please email your photos:
Maths: this week has been all about 3 and 4, we set up a picnic for the three little bears making sure they all had enough food. Then we worked together to make towers of 4!
PE: we learning how to roll and throw under arm. Just a reminder our PE days are on Tuesday (outside) and Wednesday (inside).
In this session we discussed about our trusted grown up and how we can keep our private parts private and making sure when we go to the toilet we close the door.
Let’s Celebrate:
Lunchtime awards:
Our lunch time certificates are awarded by the lunch time team to those children who they see being wonderful role models and using marvelous manors:
Well done to our Role Model Rupert R and Mollie for her Marvellous Manners.
Thank you both for being such wonderful role models and for remembering those acts of kindness everyday!
Well done to our certificate awardees: a determined ‘Roger Robin’ for thinking about others and including them’. A ‘Cooper Crab’ for your focus during our lessons.
Whole School Virtues - Attentive and Discerning: This half term we will be looking for children who are attentive in the way we look at the world and in others, taking the time to notice the big and the small things each day. We will also be spotting children who are discerning, who think about making good choices. These children are the role models of the school.
Thank you for being attentive in class you have ensured that our classroom stays tidy and you have done this with enthusiasm.
Important Information and Upcoming Events
Harvest: We are collecting for our local food bank for our harvest festival. Reception have been asked to bring in tinned fruit. .
Important Reminders:
On Thursday 10th October, it is World Mental Health Day and we will be supporting Hello Yellow. On this day, the children can wear yellow and bring in £1 or a donation. With that money, we want to create a parent library that is linked to my Happymind and buy books for you to understand what we are doing in school. We look forward to shining brightly in our yellow and being rays of sunshine!
Polite reminder that we are a Nut free school. Please can you bring in healthy snacks please refer to the poster for suitable snacks, we always have fruit avalible too.
Our PE days are Tuesday (outside) and Wednesday (inside). On these days, children can come to school in their PE uniform and will remain in this for the day. We kindly ask that velcro trainers (white, black or navy) are worn as this allows the children to be indepoendent when taking their shoes off and putting them back on. Polite reminder that for healthy and safety reasons, no jewelry is to be worn on PE days. We kindly ask that this is removed at home before coming into school.Art T-shirt
Please can you bring in an art T-shirt, if you haven’t already, these help us keep uniforms as clean as possible.DT- we will start our DT after half term please can you bring in boxes, egg cartons, tubes (not toilet roll).
Jumpers: please can you check that your child has brought the right jumper or PE jacket home, they can easily get mixed up when bags are being packed, there are a few missing in class, thank you.
Important Contact Information:
Mrs Hartley: s.hartley@ourladystarofthesea.lancs.sch.uk
Miss Drummond: d.drummond@ourladystarofthesea.lancs.sch.uk
Parent’s Meetings
For more information please read Mrs Gregan’s blog.
On Friday 18th October from 8.30am - 5.20pm. It is our Parent’s meeting please click on the link below to book your appointment with me:
When it asks you to input your child’s class at login please input the following:
Year R
This has to be typed exactly as above for you to enter into the booking page.
When booking, it is crucial that you use your child’s legal forename and surname – those recorded on our school management system. If any part of your child’s name is hyphenated, again it needs to be so when typing in their name. Your own name on Sims is now recorded with one of the following titles Miss, Mrs, Mr or Dr. The system will also ask for an email address so that a reminder can be sent out. If you are having any problems, please do email Mrs Nel on bursar@ourladystarofthesea.lancs.sch.uk and we will help you next week.
Have a wonderful weekend
God Bless,
The Reception Team