Year 5 Weekly Blog 04.10.24- 'Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much'

Yet another week has flown by in Year 5 with lots of learning, lots of thinking and lots of experiences taking place. Four lucky children this week were chosen for a trip out to St Peter’s for a forest school experience, something that we as a school are interested in having in our outdoor area. Photos from this are available on Mrs Gregan’s blog.

In Maths, it has been all things rounding in our number topic, with us recapping the important steps from Year 4, before we moved onto rounding to the nearest 10,000 and 100,000.

In English, we have began our independent write for our first narrative of the year- The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe. The children have been combining their creative thinking and grammar skills so produce some excellent sentences.

In Science, we looked at methods of how to separate solutions via evaporation and looking at other real life examples of solution and how these are separated.

In RE, the focus has been about looking after our common home and what we can do protect God’s creation. This has linked perfectly to our Word of the Week which has been ‘unity’- how can we unite as God’s creation to look after his planet.

Conversation starters

In ‘My Happy Mind’, we have looked at ways of how to improve our brain to carry out activities that release serotonin. We created checklists of things that we currently do that help our brain and a list of targets to improve on.

These included:

  • regular exercise

  • Good amount of sleep

  • Consistent sleeping patterns

  • Reduced screen time on devices

This week’s question, “How does your checklist compare with your parents?

Subject question of the week- In History, we have looked at the life of a Spartan compared to an Athenian.

The Spartans main focus’ were strength, bravery and endurance. Where would you rank these three traits in terms of importance?

Let’s Celebrate

Matilda for being an inquisitive and cooperative learner: This week, you were given the opportunity to represent the school in an out of school learning occasion. You were given this chance because you are a role model and the virtues you portray every day. You worked so well in your forest school team and asked lots of really interesting questions that were beneficial to the school.

Ciaran for being a focused and determined learner: You have really taken on your teachers new expectations in Year 5 of focusing on your learning the second you step into the classroom. This has been seen in your Maths work this week as you have been flying through all of your rounding work. Excellent job Ciaran.

Virtue Star of the Week: Our virtue start of the week goes to Grace. Your patience, kindness and stillness is just so graceful Grace. You are a such a good learning partner to have. You are so considerate towards everyone and their needs and you always respect their viewpoints. A delight to teach!

My Happy Mind Champion- Beth

Lunchtime Certificates

Role Model of the Week- Lily

Marvelous Manners- Tilly


  • Sports Club Opportunities- Information regarding this is available on the sports page of the website. If interested, please complete the forms to register your child for a specific club.

  • Harvest Festival- For harvest this year, our chosen food for this year is canned meat. Any donations would be hugely appreciated. Our Harvest Mass will be on Friday 11th October which is when we will be taking our food donations down to church.

  • Thursday 10th October World Mental Health Day- To collaborate with this day, we are doing ‘Hello Yellow’ so the children bring £1 in and they can wear anything yellow. This could be a t-shirt, football kit, socks, hair bobble- anything.

  • Parents Day Appointments- This will take place on Friday 18th October. Bookings have gone live on ‘the cloud’ which is available on Mrs Gregan’s weekly blog.

Have a wonderful weekend,

From Mr Cornwell, Mrs Barker and Mrs Tierney