Year 3 Weekly Blog 5th July - Life is a great big canvas - throw all the paint you can on it!

Class Worship. Thank you George, Martha and Rodnie for leading or worship this week so beautifully. Your beaming faces say so much more than my words can, well done! Your prayers were thoughtful and inspiring. You will be our prayer leaders this week.

 This week’s learning:

 English: This week we have taken on the role of detectives and interviewed Mr Spider about Mrs Fly’s disappearance children thought carefully about the questions they wanted to ask ask, then wrote an incident report about their findings.

 Computing: The children were introduced to Microbits this week and were taught how to write code and transfer it to a microbit to show their names in LEDs. The children picked this up really quickly which meant we had time for a fun quiz where the children were not allowed to say their answers but had to display them on their microbits. You can find out more about microbits here.

RHE - After gathering lots of facts about Drugs, Alcohol and Tobacco in our RHE lesson last week we have created an information poster to explain facts, myths, dangers and lots more. We tried to think of catchy slogans to grab the readers attention. More information can be found on the parent’s portal here.

Music - This week we have learnt about the third element of Indian music; the tal, which simply plays a repeated rhythm. The rhythm has three different sounds. Each word represents a different sound played on the drum (dhin, na and tin).
It goes like this:
Dhin na dhin dhin na tin na dhin dhin na.
We added the tal to our rags and drones from last week to create a piece of Indian music and then performed them for each other.

Glazey Days Trip - What a fantastic day we had! As always the children were impeccably behaved and it was a delight to share the opportunity with them. For the first time we decided to make use of the public transport in the area and traveled to Glazey Days in Fleetwood by bus and tram, which dropped us right outside the Glazey Days building. With support and guidance from the staff there, the children all painted tiles with memories of year 3 - friends, characters from books, swimming and sports achievements, Rosary beads, Romans, spiders and lots of rainbows. The tiles will be glazed and I will collect them before the end of the school year for the children to bring home. 40mph winds meant that Fleetwood Beach Kiosk was closed…..but not for Year 3, a big ‘Thank you’ to Paul and Craig who opened specially to treat our Year 3 children (and staff) to an ice cream.

Conversation starter…

We’re really enjoying reading The Wild Robot series of books.
In the story, Roz the robot, is able to talk to animals. She’s had weird and wonderful conversations with cows, Chitchat the squirel, Brightbill her adopted gosling son and is currently on her way to speak to the ancient shark.
If you could speak to animals, who would you speak to? What would you ask them?


Louie -You have been buzz, buzz, buzzing with enthusiasm this week! You love to learn and know that your brain will never stop growing. You have thrown yourself into all of our learning challenges and have encouraged your class mates to do the same. Well done Louie!

Ellie-Rose -Each and every day you show such wonderful determination towards your learning! You always want to do your very best and you love to help others along your way. We could not ask more of you Ellie-Rose. A huge well done!

This half term’s virtues are Grateful and Generous.

Our Virtue butterflies this week have been awarded to: Scarlett

Lunchtime Awards:
Role Model: Lucia
Marvelous Manners: Anna


  • Sponsor forms for our sports fundraising event have been sent home.

  • Sunglasses - Please do not send your children into school with sunglasses.

  • PE Days - Monday outdoor PE, Wednesday indoor PE. PE kits to be worn on these day, full school uniform the rest of the week unless your child has a sports club in the morning ie Judo on Friday.

  • Earrings - Must be removed for PE lessons, please do not send children in with tape or plasters to cover their earrings. If your child cannot remove earrings themselves please ensure they are removed at home before school.

Have a lovely weekend, enjoy the football!
Mrs Naylor, Miss Slater and Mrs Ely