This week...

An odd sort of week, blink and you have missed Summer! Everyone has been focused on transitions this week. On Wednesday some of our friends visited Reception for a play and meet the Reception team, and what a fabulous time they all had. i don’t think they wanted to come back to nursey!!

We are all excited for Monday as we will be welcoming Steph back to nursery, after her maternity leave. Please take a minute to introduce yourself.

Emma’s blog

Hello everyone!

I can't believe we are in July and it's still raining! Come on sunshine, where are you?  

At the time of writing this blog, our caterpillar pupa are still in their cocoons, but I will keep you posted. The children have really enjoyed studying them...and waiting…

We have also have been looking at the life cycle of bees. We noted how similar it is to a butterfly (although bees don't lays eggs on leaves like a butterfly). Bees use honeycomb as a nursery, honey factory and food store. The queen lays eggs, which then hatch into white grub-like larvae. The larvae pupate and emerge as bees.

Here are some facts about the life cycle of a bee enjoy. Click here.

The children have been busy helping to make bee hotels for the nursery garden. They have decorated tin cans with yellow and black stripes and by cutting smoothie straws to size to fit inside the can, which was a little tricky. As the bees have lost a lot of their natural habitat due to urban development, and changes in the land and faming, we want to help. Our bee hotels are going to hopefully help towards increasing the availability of nesting resources for solitary bees.

Here is a video of how to make a bee hotel at home for your garden. Enjoy! Click here.

Have a wonderful weekend, especially if you are going to Lytham festival.  

See you all next week,


Michelle’s blog

Hello everyone and welcome to this week’s blog.

The weather hasn’t been so good this week, but that hasn’t stopped us at all. We are still very busy investigating all the changes that are happening in the garden. New flowers are blooming, the strawberries are getting ripe enough to eat, and very tasty they were too. The bees have been so busy pollinating all the wild flowers, and the sunflowers are getting taller, but no flowers yet. We have been eagerly awaiting the emergence of the butterflies, but they are still in their chrysalis,  going through their metamorphosis from caterpillars. We did discover we have lots of ladybird larvae in the garden, so we are expecting to have lots of adult ladybirds this year. Here is a short film about the lifecycle of a ladybird. Click here.

PE was lots of fun this week, as we played team games, we had to work together as a team. We also had a go at scoring goals with the footballs and had a penalty shootout.

We have also been thinking about transitions this week as some of our friends will be moving onto Reception, some at Our Lady and some at other local schools. To celebrate our time together we will be having a party, your child should have brought home an invite this week. The children have requested a Pirate Party, so we are busy planning lots of pirate themed games and activities. The next two weeks are going to be busy!

We know that starting school can be daunting for some children (and parents), here is some useful info for you on starting school. Click here.

Have a lovely weekend everyone and we will see you next week


Sticky Kids

This week we have started to learn some new songs about being together and what makes a good friend. The children loved them. Here they are to sing along at home.

We’re all together again. Click here.

Who wants a friend like Snorty Bull? Click here.

It’s good to be me!. Click here.

Pirate Party

This week I have sent home our Leavers Pirate Party invitation, Wednesday 17th July 2024 9.30 am -11.30 am. We invite all the children to attend but if it not your child’s usual session they must be collected at 11.30 am. You do not have to send in any food as we are hoping for a sunny day and we will have ice lollies!! Fingers crossed!

Everyone must come dress as a pirate even the nursery ladies!!! Arrrrrr!

Sports Fest

On Friday 12th July, Year 5 are organising a Sports Fest. This will be a sponsored event so that you do not need to worry. You can bring 20p to £20 - there is no minimum to get involved. Sponsor forms will be going out on Monday. On the afternoon, all children in school will be out at the same time taking part in a range of activities designed by Year 5; from dancing to racing, to football and everything in between. For the event, they would like the children to come in a kit or uniform that they belong to. For example: St Annes Football Kit, NW1 Academy t-shirt, Clifton Academy, CN Sports, Rainbows, Scouts, Sea Cadets - whatever you belong to, that is your uniform for the day. Please keep it appropriate, especially with gymnastics wear.

The class are also planning a cake sale in the morning and a tombola too!

Join in the fun!

The next couple of weeks are going to be busy so keep your eye on the blog and group text messages, don’t miss out!

Have a fabulous weekend everyone and I will see you on Monday!

God Bless
