Year 1 Homework 29.9.23

Reading Books

What a great start to our reading, thank you for reading at home, please remember something is better than nothing and go at your child’s pace. We need to build up stamina start with a page then build up to more. If you have any questions or need any support please let me know.

Mary Seacole

Each class has been given a significant person to learn about over the next few weeks ours is Mary Seacole. My homework challenge is to do some research about her that you can share with the class. You can be as creative as you like, think about how you might display, present or share this research in class. You might want to build a model to help, you could draw a picture and write some interesting facts like a fact file, or you might even want to make a video like a news report!

Please bring your research into school by Monday 9th October (or if it’s ready before that’s fine too!).

I am excited to see what you discover.

Purple Mash

We will be starting our Computing lessons over the next few weeks, as an ongoing challange please can you teach your child how to log on and off Purple Mash, this will save us a lot of time and help us start and complete our lessons. The log on cards are stuck in the front of their yellow reading record books.

Here is some more information about Purple Mash:

Have a lovely weekend

Miss Drummond