Year 3 Weekly Blog 29.9.23 ‘The future belongs to the curious.’

Our class worship this week was led by Lettie, Hugo and Phoebe, they chose some of our favourite hymns to share as a class and read the story of Jesus walking on water. They ended their worship with a prayer they had written, thanking God for their families and friends.

Our school virtue butterflies this week go to Lena and George C for being curious and active learners. Thank you for being role models in our class.

Our maths lessons have focused on identifying pairs of number that add to 10 when adding 3 addends. We’re getting really good at using strategies we know to help us add quickly and effectively. We have continued our learning of time and have been learning to read the time on digital clocks, as well as using the language of AM and PM. The children are being so resilient with learning to tell the time, we’re really proud of them.

We’re continuing to enjoy reading Paddington in our English lessons. This week we used our detective skills to answer true or false questions making sure we were able to back up our answers with evidence from the text. We have also identified sentences with main and subordinate clauses in the text and had a go at writing our own.

The children have really impressed us with their computing skills, they have collected information, presented it on a spreadsheet then used this to produce graphs and pie charts to show their data.

In Kidsafe we talked about how we can keep our bodies safe and how our private places are special. The children know that they are the boss of their own body and are eager to share the Golden Rules for children, with you (they have a copy in their bag). The session letter can be found opposite too.

In geography this week, the children learned about Arctic animals and how they are adapted to the harsh Arctic climate. They wrote about either a musk ox or a reindeer, explaining how they are suited to living in such a chilly place. Next week we will be learning about Polar Bears, please see the home work blog on Tuesday for the children to get a head start on this learning.

On Thursday, we had a lovely time at the library, choosing new books that capture our imaginations. The children walked there beautifully and were such role models for our school. Thank you so much for those who volunteered to join us, your time is precious and we appreciate it!


Myles - Myles you have been such a reflective learner this week. You have given your brain the time it needs to think and have taken great pride in your work and your learning. We are so impressed with the brilliant thinking you are doing in class and the wonderful ideas you are putting into your book too. Well done Myles!

Fletcher - You have been a focused learner this week. You have made the most of every learning opportunity and shown that you know what you need to do to achieve your very best in year 3. Keep up the super work, we are proud of you!


  • Parents Day - Appointments will be going live today and we are looking forward to speaking to you all. Please see Mrs Gregan’s blog to book. Appointments will be split between the 2 class teachers - please check the table to ensure you are booking with the correct teacher.

  • Payment for our trip to the Manchester Museum on Friday 13th October, is on Parent Pay. We now have enough adults to accompany us, thank you so much to those who have volunteered.

  • For Harvest this year, we will be collecting donations for Fylde Foodbank. A donation of tea bags, would be greatly appreciated. As we are swimming we will not be joining the rest of the school for the Harvest Mass (Thursday 12th October). However, we will be having our own liturgy in school.

  • Uniform - please can you ensure all of your children’s uniform is labelled, especially those they take to swimming. Can we kindly ask that over the weekend you check that you don’t have another child’s clothes or swimwear.

Have a lovely weekend,

Mrs Naylor, Mrs Marshall and Mrs Connolly