Year 5 Weekly Blog 29.9.23- ' A child is not finished when they are defeated; they're finished when they quit'

It’s been another productive week in Year 5 with lots of learning across the curriculum taking place. In History, we role played the Battle of Marathon and discussed tactics from both sides as to why each side won and lost the battle.

In Maths, our place value unit turned to the focus of rounding- in which the children displayed excellent retrieval skills. Today, we took it up a notch and tackled some trickier rounding questions. With focus and resilience, the class achieved their objective which was great to see.

In English, we have finished the first two chapters of ‘The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe’ and have been creating character descriptions and also making predictions by inferring from the book and film.

Let’s Celebrate

Jacob for being a focused learner: It is no surprise that you are always making progress Jacob- it is because you are super focused throughout lessons. Your eyes are always following the teacher and you don’t let others around you to distract yourself from the task at hand.

Brilliant work!

Bella for being a resilient learner: You have been plying through your reading this week and have been so determined to reach your target. You have come in every day and led by example of how to approach your reading- both with your attitude and work ethic. A brilliant start to Year 5 Bella.

Keep it up!

Arthur for being an active learner: You have been fully emerged in our writing topic and have been so active in participating in each activity- regardless of already knowing the story.


  • As we enter October and start facing harsher conditions, can all children bring a coat into school everyday. Their school hoodies do not count as coats when it is raining outside.

  • Parents Day: Will be on Friday 20th October. Please can all parents book their appointments via the link on the school newsletter.

  • Harvest Festival: We will be celebrating Harvest at mass on October 12. In preparation, each class has been assigned a different type of food to collect for the Fylde Foodbank. Our chosen food is cereal.

  • Clarinets- Please ensure that all clarinets are brought in on Monday for our music lesson.