Year 1 Homework 18.10.23

Assembly (ongoing)

We have enjoyed watching the assemblies this half term, ours will be on Thursday 16th November. I asked the children what they would like their assembly to be about and they said Mary Seacole. We have loved learning about her and are excited to share our knowledge with the whole school. I have sent home lines for you to practise over the holidays, I have highlighted their part and put the line before so they know when it will be their turn to speak.

Please can you also practise the song ‘He’s got the Whole World in his Hands’ we have been singing this in class with actions and I will put a link below to practise at home:


I have put some extra books in for you to read over the holidays. We have worked so hard this half term with our reading so please read as much as you can over the holidays to maintain this wonderful progress.

Purple Mash

Please continue to practise logging on and off Purple Mash.

Optional homework

It would be lovely to hear about your half term holidays to share during snack and chat, so please draw some pictures, write a few sentences or stick pictures (or email to me) in your homework books.

Mrs Gregan’s half term challenge

Thank you for all of your support this half term.

Have a lovely half term break, the children have worked incredibly hard this half term so deserve a good rest.

Miss Drummond