And just like that, the first half term of the year is upon us. The children have settled into life in Year 5 fantastically and they deserve to rest and recuperate during half term. The next half term is set to be a busy one with our class assembly, starting our first science and geography units and also Christmas!
In our DT unit, the children have been making mechanical books and today they finally got the chance to go into Year 2 (our buddy class) and share/read these books to their partners. These photos are available on Year 2’s weekly blog.
Try and use materials that are waterproof so that they will survive our harsh winter weather conditions.
Parents Day- Is this Friday and will be online via ‘School Cloud’ (same as last year). If you haven’t already, please book an appointment via Mrs Gregans weekly newspaper.
Choir- Will be starting again after half term, the first session is on the first day back. If you are interested, then please sign the form [engage-> choir-> choir 2023]
Homework- Please check the homework blog for children to complete over half term.