Thursday 26th March Home Learning for Reception

1. Phonics: We have now learnt all of Reception’s sounds. Please have a look at the sound chart below and find out which sounds your child struggles with. Once you have uncovered what these sounds are, I would like you to spend time each day practising one of these sounds each day.


· Hearing the sound at the start, end and middle of words

· Saying the sound and saying the sound in words using Fred talk e.g. p-e-g

· Spotting the sound in words

· Reading the sound in words

· Writing the sound and writing the sound in a word.

Sound chart for home learning.JPG

2. Lent challenge: Today we would like you to help Mummy and Daddy in the house. Could you tidy your bedroom or playroom? Put your clothes away? Help to pair the socks?

3. Maths: Who can build the tallest tower? How many bricks tall is it? Who in your family built the smallest tower? What is the difference between the two towers (how many extra bricks does the tallest tower have compared to the smallest?) Could you put all of the towers in height order?

4. Sum Dog: Please log in to find today and tomorrow’s challenge all about addition. Enjoy!

Miss Bassett.

Wednesday 25th March Home Learning Reception

Thank you once again for the wonderful pictures and updates. It brightens my day to see all of the children enjoyed their learning at home. So many of you are starting the day with Joe Wicks PE lessons! here’s the link for those of you who haven’t yet taken part:

1. Phonics: Today let’s learn a new sound. Our sound is oy-Toy for a boy. Please watch one of our favourites, ‘Geraldine the giraffe’ learn this sound on Youtube:

Like yesterday, now that you have watched this short video, go on a sound hunt around the house, what can you find? Following this, read a story of your child’s choice and see if today’s sound is in the story. How many times can you hear the sound? How many times can you see the sound? You could then practise your letter formation.

Ready for a further challenge: Remember that you could have a go at writing words containing the oy sound such as boy, toy and enjoy. You might like to turn this into a spelling challenge if you feel your child is ready for this.

2. IT: Login to your Purple Mash account following the website link:

You then need to click on: find my schools login page, and then type in our school name. Once you have done this please then type in your child’s username and password.

Today we would like you to create a picture of your family using paint.

3. PE: Today have a go at football! Can you kick a ball to each other? If you don’t have a football you could have a go at making a round object using newspaper and tape to create your own ball. If it’s too windy or rainy you could use this ball to practise your throwing and catching as it will be nice and light for the children to catch.

4. Sum Dog: Today is the last day to complete the first challenge or to have one final practise. Tomorrow the challenge will change!

Miss Bassett.

Tuesday 24th March Home learning for Reception

I hope that you all enjoyed your learning yesterday and are slowly getting into a routine while being at home. There are some fantastic websites available so please keep checking the website blog as I will keep adding to it as and when I find anymore.

This morning to wake you up why not join in with Joe Wicks PE lesson on youtube.

1. Phonics: Today let’s learn a new sound. Our sound is ou-Shout it out. Please watch one of our favourites, ‘Geraldine the giraffe’ learn this sound on Youtube:

Like yesterday, now that you have watched this short video, go on a sound hunt around the house, what can you find? Following this, read a story of your child’s choice and see if today’s sound is in the story. How many times can you hear the sound? How many times can you see the sound? You could then practise your letter formation.

Ready for a further challenge: Remember that you could have a go at writing words containing the ou sound such as out, shout and loud. You might like to turn this into a spelling challenge if you feel your child is ready for this.

2. Maths and PE: Today we want to keep you moving. Create your own number hunt. Write the numbers 1-20 on paper and hide these numbers around the house. Once your child has found them all they could have a go at ordering these numbers. They may find the teen numbers tricky. You could see which numbers they struggle to identify (prioritise any numbers under 10) and you could play the old party game “Four corners”. Put 1 number in each corner of your house. Put some music on and have a boogie! When the music stops the child has to chose a corner/number and if the number that they are stood at is called out then they are out of the game. You could play this with siblings and see who wins or you could play this child v parent. How many rounds can you win before your number is called.

3. Sum Dog: I am so glad that so many of you enjoyed using Sum Dog yesterday. If you haven’t yet logged on, please take some time today to get your child logged in and have a go at the challenges. If you’ve already logged see if you can better your scores from yesterday.

Miss Bassett.

Home learning challenges for Monday 23rd March

1. Phonics: Today let’s learn a new sound. Our sound is ir-whirl and twirl. Please watch one of our favourites, ‘Geraldine the giraffe’ learn this sound on Youtube:

Now that you have watched this short video, maybe you could go on a sound hunt around the house, just like Geraldine. Following this, why not read a story together and see if today’s sound is in the story? How many times can you hear the sound? How many times can you see the sound? You could then practise your letter formation. This doesn't have to be on paper, you could use shaving foam to write the sound, get the paints out, or try moulding play-doh into the two letters.

Ready for a further challenge: Why not have a go at writing words containing the ir sound such as twirl, girl and shirt. You might like to turn this into a spelling challenge if you feel your child is ready for this!

2. Maths: Today we would like you to spend time looking at the shapes: Squares and rectangles. Both of these shapes have 4 straight sides and 4 corners. But what is different about them? Again, you could go on a shape hunt around the house to see what you can find that is either a square or rectangle and then sort these into two groups. This could lead nicely into some construction with a purpose. Using lego, hammer beads, building blocks or anything else that your child likes to construct with... see if you can construct a square (making sure each side is the same length!) and a rectangle.

To further this learning you could link to our more recent vocabulary in our focused story, “Goldilocks” of small, medium and large. Can they construct a smaller and larger square/rectangle to the one they have just built.

3. PE: Don’t forget to get into your back garden for a run around. Today I would like you to practise travelling in different ways: running, skipping, galloping and side stepping.

Alongside these three activities today, please don’t forget a bedtime story. Please use the recommended websites that I have mentioned in my previous post.

Also, any photos would be brilliant! Email me with how you have got on with these activities and any other activities that you chose to do. I will try and post a picture gallery at the end of the week to celebrate your home learning.

4. Sum Dog: If you go to the ‘Help your child’ section of Reception, Mrs Hotchkiss has made a lovely video to explain all about how to get started. Today, I would like you to log in and have a play at some of the games. I have set a maths challenge to be completed by Wednesday. The aim is to be able to count amounts up to 20. Have fun!

Miss Bassett