“Whoever listens to you listens to me" - Luke 10:16

In this week’s gospel, we hear about the benefit of listening. How Jesus used stories and parables to enable people to listen and access the messages that he was trying to share. Like any good teacher, Jesus knew the people who he was speaking to. He knew how they would respond, how they would listen and what would engage them. Sometimes we do an awful lot of talking when in fact, just listening is the key. It helps us all to have consistent messages and to come together in union for a common cause.

Last Saturday, members of our school and parish community came together to walk in St Annes Carnival, and what a lovely morning it was. We had families from Reception to Year 6 walk with us, waving flags and smiling to all. Thank you to everyone who walked, who waved, who smiled and who cheered. It was a very special morning and a lovely way for our community to come together.

The children are all bringing home their end of year reports today. I have loved every minute of reading just what journey each child has been on this year. Beyond the academic achievements, there is such evidence of confidence, resilience, friendships and independence; all of which need to be celebrated. Each and every child have been on their own journey, never to be compared to anyone else. Please do read the report carefully with your children and the information that is in the envelope too. There is an unbelievable amount to celebrate - I am incredibly proud of each and every child. They really are true gifts from God. Immense gratitude goes towards our staff team who have all contributed to the progress that your children have made this year. They really do love your children unconditionally; they provide challenge, comfort, support and humour - just when they need it the most. We may not always get it right, what human does? But we have worked with you, hand in hand, to ensure that your child is happy and safe; always reflecting on ways to do things differently.

We always like to receive feedback on the year your child has had in school, and their report. Please use the button below to do this. Thank you.

We are OPEN!

Yesterday, we opened the castle for the very first time. After a ribbon cutting ceremony, where Mrs Hodges did the honours, we spoke about how exciting this project was and how the children had been instrumental in its design. I think it is a big win! The children have spent the past few days exploring it, reading in it, acting in it and climbing. If the school Wi-fi is strong enough, you may just find me in there too!

Exciting Learners

I have really loved walking around school this week; the buzz of learning is so infectious everywhere I have been. From spaghetti bolognaise in Year 5, to stay and play in Reception, the final judo session for our Reception and Year 1 children and final parent interviews in Year 4. We have a wealth of knowledge with the professions that our parents do. Some of them, very kindly, came into school to share what they do with our Year 4 children as part of their geography unit of work.

Some tough questioning took place:

  • Can your job be dangerous?

  • Do you ever take your child to work?

  • How many years have you been doing your current job?

  • What is your favourite thing about your job?

  • How long does it take to get to work?

  • Where is the most exciting place?

Thank you to all of the parents who have given up their time to support the children’s learning.

Learning Role Models of the Week

Demonstrating our virtues

Learning Awards

Our Weekly Attendance

Well done to Year 1 - 99% Our whole school attendance this week is 95.7%. Much, much better than last week!

Office News

So much to say and such little space! We have endeavoured to reach each and every Y5 and Y6 parent to ensure that everyone could have the best allocation of Play tickets to suit their need. Tickets are still going out and we have only a handful left now. Please do contact the office ASAP if any more are needed.

Dinner money - there are still debts and we urge everyone to ensure that they are paid up to date by next Thursday - debts only roll forward to September and it’s not a good start to the year. We will be texting/ringing/writing as appropriate to urge parents to clear accounts in debit.

In September, in line with Lancashire County Council’s meal charges, we will be increasing our dinner charges for paid KS2 children’s meals to £2.50 per meal - £12.50 per week. We never like passing on increases but unfortunately we have no choice. Please remember, especially in these tricky times, if you feel that your circumstances have changed and you may qualify for free school meals, then come to the office and see Mrs Nel who will find you the appropriate form - it’s all very simple and LCC will then check your eligibility. It’s an entirely private and discreet process but it can help even if only in a small way.

Our Final Week

As we move into our final week of the year, there are still an awful lot of memories to be made. On Monday and Tuesday, our Year 5 and 6 children will be putting on their end of year celebratory play, ‘Charlie and the Chocolate Factory’. There are still tickets available for all performances - do contact the office if you need one. We would love for our wider community to experience the play. The times of the play are:

Monday 17th - 6.30pm

Tuesday 18th - 9.30am and 6.30pm

Our Leavers’ Mass will be at 9.30am on Wednesday. We would really appreciate lots of help walking to and from church. It is a mass for our Year 6 children, Mrs Hodges and the Maj family, all of whom are leaving us this summer. Mrs Hodges has supported so many families, I am sure you will want to join us at mass for her and to say thank you for all that she has done.

Bamber has won the house points for this half term! Yellow can be worn on Thursday, our last day, to celebrate! Well done Bamber.

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Gregan