"If you want to view paradise, simply look around and view it."

And so we have arrived at the end of the year. A year that has been full of precious memories and moments to be proud of. Sitting in church yesterday and seeing the vast numbers of people come to support the school like you did, it really took my breath away. I am so proud of our community this year. We have come together, moved forward and remained as strong as ever. There is so much to now look forward to next year. In our final assembly, I have challenged each of the children to be shining lights in our world - just like Jesus.

Our lovely Mrs Hodges

Over the past few days we have been saying goodbye to our wonderful Mrs Hodges. Today, in assembly, the children all presented her with their class made gifts and spoke about what they loved about her. There has been a steady stream of people in the office all day! Thank you from us all Mrs Hodegs for being you and for giving of yourself so selflessly. We are richer because of you. I am sure that Mrs Hodges will pop in next year from time to time. For now, we wish her the happiest of retirements.

“A heart is not judged by how much it can love, but how much it is loved by others.”

Each and every year, the staff team put on a wonderful show for the children as a thank you for all of their hard work over the year. This morning, The Wizard of Oz came to the stage. The staff team are unbelievable. They love your children so dearly and unconditionally. I am so blessed to work alongside them. Having read all of the report comments that have come in and the many emails that I have received, I know you think the world of them to.

Instead of the teachers and staff voting for the weekly learners of the week, the children in each class have voted for their learners of the year. Children who have gone above and beyond in their classrooms and showed such kindness. Thank you to all of these children for being such wonderful role models.

All that remains is for me to wish you all the most wonderful summer holiday. Thank you for your support throughout the year and we look forward to welcoming you back on Monday 4th September.

God Bless

Mrs Gregan