"We all make so many new beginnings, there will never be an end."

We all make so many new beginnings, there will never be an end.
— Louise May Alcott

Welcome back to school for our new year together. There is always such a big build up to the summer holidays; I hope that you have managed to find some solace and rest, ready to start the new year together.

Over the past few weeks, the staff have been in school getting everything ready to welcome the children back in to their new classrooms. Change can often be unsettling, but we hope that with a familiar face in each classroom, the children will come back to school happy and feeling safe. The staff have worked incredibly hard to ensure that their learning environments are inclusive and engaging; ready to support the children on the exciting learning journeys that they will be experiencing this year.

We always talk in school about evolving. Are we doing everything that we can to meet the needs of our pupils? There are going to be some enrichment opportunities for the children throughout the year, which will really enhance the depth of learning that will already be taking place, as well as them being able to form relationships with other members of staff. Please keep checking the website each week so that you know what is coming up and can share the moments with your children.

Next Thursday, we will be walking to church as a whole-school community, ready to celebrate Our Lady’s birthday and start our new year together. We hope that you will be able to join us by walking down with us, or meeting us there to celebrate mass together.

Meet the Teaching Team

Each year we hold an induction night for parents to come and meet the teaching team, hearing all about what their children will be learning over the coming year. This year we are going to try something a little different. On Wednesday 13th September, from 3.30pm - 5.00pm, the classrooms will be open for you to come and have a look around with your child. We feel that it is important that your children share their new space with you, showing you spaces that are important to them and what they will be learning over the course of the year. There may even be one or two tasks for you to complete. The teaching team will be on hand to meet you all and to answer any questions that you may have. We hope that you will be able to pop in!

We look forward to welcoming all of the children from Year 1 to Year 6 on Monday. The same drop-off and collection arrangements will be in place. Our Reception children will be joining us on Wednesday for their phased induction into school.

God bless

Mrs Gregan