'So God created man in his own image, in the image of God.'

What a wonderful week we have had in school. It was a joy to open the gates on Monday morning to welcome all of our children, and families, back into school. The beautiful weather has really helped! The first week in school is always about reconnecting and forming new relationships with the class team, finding out about what they are learning and discovering all of the new adventures that they will have during the year. On Monday, we gathered for our first assembly and thought about all of the families that we belong to - they are so different. But the one family that we all belong to is God’s family. This year I have given all of our family members one mission, to be kind! We are all part of creation and we need to be stewards of it by looking after each other and by being kind. I think we can do it!

On Wednesday 13th September, the classrooms from Year 1 - Year 6 will be open from 3.30pm - 5.30pm. Please collect your child from school as normal. You may want to go home and come back or simply stay and pop in at 3.30pm. The children are really excited about showing you their new classrooms and where they put their things. The teaching team will be on hand to answer any questions that you may have too. Miss Woodend has come back to school as our new SENCO and will be in the hall for any SEN questions. We really hope that you can make it! Please do check the class website pages too - there is lots of information on there.

With any family, it never gets smaller, in fact it only gets bigger! In July, we said goodbye to our Year 6 children who all headed off to their new high schools. Once part of Our Ladys, always part of Our Ladys. I was filled with immense pride when some photos popped into my email earlier this week. We are so proud of all of our children - just how smart do they all look.

As one group of children leave us, another group of children join us. On Wednesday we welcomed our Reception children into school for the very first time. 27 children entered the classroom for the first time, amazed at what they saw and the exciting adventures that they will face this year. It is such a big step, starting primary school, but all children have done so with a huge smile on their face. We could not be prouder of you all!

Believe it or not, but we are already looking ahead to next year, ready to grow our Our Laad’s family even more. If you have a child who will be starting primary school in September 2024, the window is now open to apply. We are opening the school at various times for you to come and have a look around. Please see the poster for more details.

To apply for a primary school place, please click on the following link:

Lancashire School Admissions

If you have any questions at all, please do ring the office on 01253 726015.

Learning Role Models of the Week

Learning awards!

Demonstrating our virtues - intentional and prophetic!

Office News

There is something magical in new beginnings and  the new school year is no exception. The excitement, anticipation and air of hope is almost tangible. As has always been the case, our school office doors are open to assist, guide and support you in whichever way that we can and I do look forward to working with you and your family this year.

This school year, in line with Lancashire County Council’s meal charges, school dinners for Years 3 to 6 are £2.50 per meal or £12.50 per week or £82.50 for this first half term. We do ask that payment is prompt.

Unfortunately there are a number of outstanding dinner  accounts from the previous school year. I will be sending reminder letters shortly as we do have to recover overdue amounts in order to balance our books. Your support here would be appreciated.

I would also like to ask that if there have been any changes to your contact details that you inform the office ASAP so that our system can be updated.

Our Weekly Attendance

Well done to Year 4 - 99.1% Our whole school attendance this week is 96.9%.

Back to School

All of the children have looked so shiny and new this week in their school uniforms. It has been nice to see the hoodies have been very popular, and along with the tracksuit, make our PE kit really smart. The hoodies are for PE kit days only. The school jumper and cardigan apply at the other times. Just a few reminders about our uniform policy:

  • For PE, the children need to wear trainers which are white, blue or black.

  • Hair needs to be tied back and if choosing to wear a headband, can this be in uniform colours too.

  • Some children have had their hair braided or dyed over the summer. Braids need to be plaited into the hair to avoid any injuries and dye needs to be removed.

Drop off and collection will remain the same this year:

Marsden and Harcourt 8.45am drop off Plessington and Bamber 8.50am drop off

Marsden and Harcourt 3.20pm collection Plessington and Bamber 3.25pm collection

The teachers will be sending the children out in this order at the end of the day. We really want to reduce the traffic around school, making it safer for our community. We have noticed a significant difference with this in the morning and after-school. Please be mindful where you park, especially near corners etc. And definitely not on the yellow lines or zig-zags.

When collecting your children, can I ask that you step back away from the classroom door. The teachers and staff are trying to get used to faces and for the children to be able to spot you. KS1 and Reception parents, if you can use the grass area - that would be great. Please can you communicate this message to other people who may pick your children up. We want a calm end of the day, free from any anxiety.

The website calendar has lots of important dates that you will need over the coming year; author visits and class assemblies are just two things that you will find on there. Please do keep a weekly check on the exciting things that are happening in school.

Many of our children attend breakfast and after-school club at St Thomas’ school. They are in need of some additional after-school staff. If you are interested, or know anybody who would be interested, please email stthomasasc@hotmail.co.uk

Enjoy your weekend with your families. Hopefully you may see a kite or two flying over the beach.

Mrs Gregan