'Family is not an important thing. It is EVERYTHING.'

This week we celebrate 175 years of Catholic Education. Some of your great-great-great Grandparents might have been the first people to have learnt in a Catholic school. The mission of Catholic education is to grow the mind, the body and the spirit of each individual, according to the Gospel values. In school, being the very best version of ourselves is central to our being, but to also recognise that we are part of a much larger family than the ones we know and see on a daily basis. We are constantly aiming to walk in Jesus’ footsteps; bringing his kingdom alive here on earth.

We are part of a community of people of faith who all share and respect the same values and virtues. On Wednesday, we opened our classrooms to welcome you in and see where your children learn on a daily basis. Having the opportunity to see the classroom through the eyes of your child is magical and I know just how much they loved bringing you into their world. You will have the opportunity to discuss your child’s start to their school year on Friday 20th October on Parents’ Day. If you have any questions at all in the meantime, please do not hesitate to email the class teacher.

‘Books are uniquely, portable, MAGIC!’

We are passionate about reading and the joys that it can bring. A child who can read for pleasure and is interested in it, can access the curriculum fully. This week, the children have all been quizzing and setting their new AR reading level (I even saw a few parents having a go on Wednesday night). Next Wednesday, I want the children to be excited by reading once again. It is a few years since we have had an author visit school, and we cannot wait to welcome Dan Worsley to school next Tuesday & Wednesday. Dan is a local author and ex-primary school teacher who is passionate about creative writing. He predominantly writes for KS2 children, but will be offering creative writing workshops to our younger children too.

Dan will have copies of all six of his books (£5 each/cash only) available for purchase after school on Wednesday 20th September in the school hall. If any children in Year 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 would like to purchase a copy on the day, he will be happy to sign and personalise the pupil’s books. Dan is a KS2 writer, therefore some of his themes demonstrate this. Year 1 & 2 children may want to purchase a book and save it for a few years, to be read at a later date.

Our school library is missing a large number of books that was taken out last year. Please, please, please can you all have a really good look at home and see if any of our books have hidden themselves in and around your house.

Primary School Admissions

If you have a child who will be starting primary school in September 2024, the window is now open to apply. We are opening the school at various times for you to come and have a look around. Please see the poster for more details.

To apply for a primary school place, please click on the following link:

Lancashire School Admissions

If you have any questions at all, please do ring the office on 01253 726015.

Learning Role Models of the Week

Learning awards!

Demonstrating our virtues - intentional and prophetic!

Our Weekly Attendance

Well done to Year 6 - 99.1% Our whole school attendance this week is 96.8%.

As Autumn draws near, and the weather is changing, please ensure that all pieces of uniform are fully labelled. There is a tendency for the children to head out at breaktimes all wrapped up, then gradually lose layers as the breaktime unfolds.

Finally, this week we received the heart-breaking news this week that two of our former pupils have been involved in a serious car accident. They were such valued pupils, along with their siblings and parents, whilst in school and a big part of the Our Ladys family. We are praying deeply for their family and friends, sending much love and prayers for all who need it. Please keep them in your prayers and thoughts over the weekend and coming weeks.

God bless