Year 3 homework to be handed in Wednesday 9th October

SPELLING - We are continuing to look at words with prefixes. This week we will also focus on the prefix ‘in’. Prefixes always go before the root word. How many words can you collect in your homework books with the prefix ‘in’? Can you find any in your books? What do they mean? How does it change the meaning of the word? Can you put some of them in sentences?

We will also be continuing to learn by sight our tricky spellings:

Though Thought Through Although Believe Caught

We are trying lots of different ways to practice these in class- what exciting and fun ways can you think of to practice these words at home? Maybe produce some art work with the words? Write a silly story with the words in? Or even get the grown ups to keep quizzing you? We will have a quick quiz next week to see how well we have learnt them!


Maths Try to complete as many as you can of the skip counting sections on IXL (between A1- A7) to help speed up our mental recall. Please try to complete at least two of these before next Wednesday. I can see some of you have been on IXL already this year to practice skills so well done!

Purple Mash Next week we will be evaluating your ‘lion and the Mouse’ fable retelling- have you finished it to the best of your ability? I will be looking at whether you have retold the story with words as well as pictures to show this, and whether the presentation is clear to follow.

OPTIONAL RE- In RE we are focusing on entering in to the Christian Family through the sacrament of Baptism. We will looking in to this in a lot more detail next week, so next Wednesday if you have any photographs or anything from your baptism that you would like to show to the class, you are more than welcome to bring it in to class on Wednesday for our RE lesson.