Year 6 Homework 2nd October 2019

English - work your way through strand B1 - B6 on IXL English. This is due to be completed next week.

Spelling - fasten, apostle, hasten, glisten, moisten, thistle, whistle, mortgage, Christmas, wrestle.

I will then test you on 10 random spellings from the last 4 weeks. Keep looking at them as well.

Geography - this is due in next week. I would like you to collate information on one of the South American countries. Things like: size, population, landmarks, food etc. Record in your homework book. We will be using technology to bring this information to life. Make sure that you have some of this information ready for next week.

Maths - A10, A11 and A12. These are all negative number work. This will be our focus in class.

Art - In art this week, you will be completing observational drawings. This is something that can be done on a computer as well. There is a to do set on Purple Mash - choose and object and bring it to life. Experiment with a range of tools. Remember that this is a piece of art.