Year 6 Home Learning - Wednesday 30th October

Thank you so much for all of your effort with Walt Disney…they are fabulous!

Spelling - words ending ent

frequent, patient, ancient, innocent, dependent, intelligent, obedient, magnificent, absent, silent, efficient, different, parliament, decent, urgent

Maths - Over the next two weeks, can you finish strand B of IXL maths. These are all on addition and subtraction. Use your homework book to jot into.

History - The Battle of Bosworth is one of the most important battles in English history. It led to the War of the Roses, and planted the Tudor house on the throne of England. Henry Tudor, (Henry VII) became King of England.

What can you find out about this important battle? Complete some research in your homework book.

English - This week we have started to look at biographies as part of our writing phase. Can you find a biography online, of someone who interests you? Think about the ones we have looked at in class. It doesn’t need to be long - just informative.