Happy to be back!

Everyone was excited to be back at nursery this week. It was lovely to catch up with all our friends and find out what we have been doing during the holidays.

We have had an extremely busy week!

On Monday we began to explore the number 4 in all its entirety!

On Tuesday the children wrote their own story! It’s all about a wellie getting stuck on a foot! Ask your children to tell it to you! It was also ‘Danceathon’ day…..it was very exhausting! Well done to everyone who managed to get to nursery for 8.15 am!!

On Wednesday we made pumpkin pie for snack, and found some fun facts all about pumpkins. We also read a story about building resilience. It is called ‘The most magnificent thing’. Afterwards we all decided to make our own ‘magnificent things’. Click here to listen to the story!!

On Thursday the children have been practicing their fundamental movement skills in the hall. We focused on over arm throwing…they are getting very good!

On Friday…maybe a restful day? That rarely happens in nursery!

The rest of the term is equally frantic. Keep checking the dates on your September newsletter. I will update you on the Nativity on a later blog.