"The time is always right, to do what is right."


What a wonderful week! I must start by saying how PROUD I am of all of the children in year 1. They were all superstars in our assembly. They delivered their lines with buckets of enthusiasm and huge smiles. All of the teachers were so impressed with how loud their singing voices were and how confident they spoke in front of so many people! It was brilliant to see so many family members in the audience, supporting the children. Thank you all so much for coming!

In Geography this week, we travelled to the capital city of England - London. The children learned all about the different landmarks you can see and I was so impressed with their knowledge of the famous sights. In RE this week, the children learned all about the birth of baby Jesus. They wrote some beautiful prayers, thanking God for His birth and the impact He has on us all.

We have been thinking about honesty this week and the importance of telling the truth. The children expressed how they felt after they told a lie and we agreed as a class that it didn’t make us happy. Sometimes it can be nerve-wracking to tell the truth, but, telling the truth is the brave thing to do and the right choice. The children shared times when they haven’t told the truth and I challenged the children to say sorry for a time they did not tell the truth, no matter how long ago. So, if you have had any confessions of ‘blaming it on the dog’ etc. this is why!

Yoga stars - Faye and Liam, well done you two!

Class Tiger

This week the tiger has chosen to come home with Rex! The tiger has loved how hard you have been focusing in class. He is particularly impressed with your super-duper handwriting and enthusiasm for writing! Well done Rex!

Let’s Celebrate

Concentrating Cooper Crab - For concentrating so hard on your writing. Roseanna you are remembering to check for your capital letters, full stops and finger spaces. You have been brilliant at saying your sentences aloud before writing them down and checking them to make sure that they make sense. I am so proud of you for pushing yourself and getting all of your brilliant ideas down on paper. Hip hip hooray!

Improving Lizzie Ladybird - For listening to feedback and pushing yourself to produce your best work. Arthur, this week you have tried really hard to get all of your amazing ideas down on paper. You have listened to advice and most importantly have proved to yourself what brilliant work you can produce! I am so proud of the effort you have put into your learning! Well done you!


  • The children’s home learning from last week is due on Monday. For an extra challenge I have set the children a task on purple mash, under ‘to do’. The children can log onto purple mash using the username and password, found on their reading logs.

  • Please can you check your children’s PE kits and ensure that you do not have a different children’s kit.

  • This week there have been a lot of soggy shoes and socks in class. Please could I ask that next time you purchase new trainers for PE/school shoes, that they are as waterproof as possible. Thank you so much!

  • Our annual curriculum evening is on Thursday 21st November at 6pm. Come along to learn all about how maths is being implemented across the school; it’s a fantastic opportunity to learn together! In year 1, the children are so enthusiastic about maths, it would be lovely for them to share with you, what we get up to in class. We hope to see you all there!