"Faith is seeing light with your heart when all your eyes see is darkness."

Wow what a day today! Thank you so much for helping us raise money for such a worth cause- Brian House. The other bonus is that we got to spend the day in our PJ’s with our friends. Today we have been ‘dragon pet-shop owners’, discussing and writing all about the best way to look after a dragon- there are some definitely interesting ideas! All week this week, we have been learning about a particular type of dragon that I am sure you have heard all about at home and some of you may have even seen … The Manchester Ridge-back. The children have worked hard to story map, learn actions and can now recite the non-chronological report all about this dragon. See if the children can tell you any fascinating facts about it, if they haven’t already, as there is quite a buzz in the classroom.

In Maths this week, we have started to count up in multiples 4’s and 8’s, looking at the mathematical connection. We have also started addition, firstly looking at the whole, part model and how calculations are drawn from this representation. They have made an excellent start!

We have been practicing our assembly this week, and the children have made a really good start at learning their lines, so thank you. Could you please make sure you practice this weekend, focusing now on expression and definitely volume with them. We have also been practicing the song every day, if you have time also to go over the song with them to make sure they know it, it would be much appreciated.


Next week we look forward to our curriculum evening. If you would like to learn more about Mastery in Mathematics and how we develop a growth mindset, then please come along for a fun evening. We have example Maths lessons showing small steps in each of the junior classes, a variety of Maths puzzles, Mrs Hotchkiss is giving a guided tour of our school website and much, much more.

The awards this week go to …

Thank you Jack for being such a focused Cooper Crab for working so hard, managing your distractions and being ready to learn every week!

Grace you have been such an enthusiastic ‘Bobby Bee’! We have loved seeing your enthusiasm and enjoyment of learning!

Important Information…

Our class assembly is on Tuesday 19th November 9:10

Curriculum Evening is Thursday 21st October 6pm - 8pm.

Thursday’s sports club with Mr Nay is the white group- 21st November and 28th November 8-8:45am.