"Faith is the light that guides you through the darkness"

The children have been fully immersed in our new focus story ‘Who’s afraid of the big bad book’ this week. We have looked at the story plot and have used a story mountain to outline the different parts that make up the whole story. We then became ‘Creative Kiki Chameleons’ and mapped out what we want to happen in our own versions of the story. With ideas such as gingerbread men with no legs and a little mermaid with many tails, I can not wait to see the writing that the children will produce in the coming weeks.

In maths we have been busy using our number bonds to 10 and 20 to help us to calculate additions and subtractions. We have looked at additions and how we can make the inverse by changing the number around to make a subtraction. The children are all so confident with this and I can’t wait to see what the children will achieve when we start working with greater numbers.

During gymnastics sessions this term, the children have been working on their rolls, balances and jumps and have linked these skills together in order to create their own gymnastic sequences. On Tuesday, the children were all very excited to see that we had all of the apparatus out, including the much anticipated ‘blue frame!’. They had great fun incorporating the apparatus into their sequences and performing them to each other.

Let’s Celebrate

Christian, it hasn’t gone unnoticed that you have been a real reflective learner this week.  You have ensured that you have stayed focused within every lesson and have shown so much determination in your work.  You are continually striving to improve your handwriting and your presentation is getting better and better each day.  Keep it up Christian – we are very proud of you!

I can’t believe what a focused learner you have become Betsy!  You are now able to manage any distractions around you brilliantly and listen so carefully to the learning in every lesson.  This focus has led to you making bundles of progress already in Year 2 and I can’t wait to see what you will achieve if you keep up this super concentration for the whole year.  Well done!


Please don’t forget that it is our annual curriculum evening on Thursday 21st November at 6pm. This is a time for your children and yourselves to become learners together, moving through the different stations within the school to see how we teach and implement mathematics in our classrooms. There is lots of fun to be had - we can’t wait to see you there!

Have a wonderful weekend,

Miss Woodend and Mrs Connolly