Year 6 blog - 'Faith is seeing light with your heart when all your eyes see is darkness.'

This half term, we are exploring all things faith-filled and hopeful. This week, we have been able to discuss faith and look at the fallen soldiers on Remembrance Day. On Monday, the children reverently observed the 2 minutes silence in school as we looked at a poem ‘We Shall Keep the Faith.’ It is so thought provoking to teach a class who respond so deeply in moments of reflection. Next week we will be starting our new RE focus on Justice. This is such an important topic and takes our reflections to a whole new level, which is so important on the build up to Christmas. Our Advent masses will be starting in school in the coming weeks and a Year 6 presence there is always so special. Please make sure that you have checked the dates section on the diary to see when they are. Let’s get a real record for Year 6 members at masses this advent.

Wednesday afternoons are my favourite afternoons of the week - YMCA PE - I just love it! Currently, we are looking at principals of invasion games. Last week we explored rugby and this week futsal. Mr Nay took us through our paces, constantly looking at which space we needed to move into, how we needed to keep control of an object and the attacking and defending skills. This week, the houses came together for a competition at the end. It was played in such wonderful spirit and with such encouragement on the sidelines. I am really impressed with the effort that the children put into their PE lessons - their bodies are working just as hard as their brains during a maths lesson!


Samlesbury Hall

We were all disappointed to hear that our trip to Samlesbury Hall had to be postponed, but are glad to know that it will go ahead on the 28th November. Instead of heading off, we continued our Tudor learning in class. We asked the question. ‘Did marrying Anne Boleyn solve all of Henry’s problems?’ This was a great discussion and led onto so many more questions that will be explored in the coming weeks. We took the opportunity to explore the two related queens (Anne and Elizabeth) through artwork. I think you will agree, Marwa did a great job! I will scan the other images to go onto the website next week.

Learning Awards

Another great week of learning in Year 6! Well done to Ruby and Pedro, our two certificate winners this week.

Ruby has been such a reflective learner this week and her writing has been outstanding. Ruby has constantly asked for feedback this week, in order to improve her writing. She knows exactly what our toolkit contains and has worked hard to make sure that it appears in her writing. Well done Ruby - keep it up!

Pedro has started this half term in a really positive way, becoming so much more focused. He is listening to advice and acting on it in order to improve his work. There has also been an improvement in the presentation of his work. It has been lovely to see Pedro working so hard!

Curriculum Evening

A number of children have signed up to help on Curriculum Evening next Thursday. I will be texting the parents of these children next week to make sure. If any more of the children can help, please encourage them to sign up.


The standard of homework in recent weeks has been really good, I am impressed with their dedication to learning. I have spoken to the children about time management and how there are break times for them to complete some task as well. When the children go to high school next year, they will have use of the library at break times and lunch times, I am trying to encourage this now. Please have a conversation at home with your child about homework. The sooner that the children manage their time management, the better routine they will get into.

Have a lovely weekend at home with your family!

Mrs Gregan & Mrs Webster