"Many things have fallen only to rise again"

On Monday before we started our lessons we gathered in the chapel and remembered those who have fallen in conflict. The children were very respectful and prayful- it was a reflective start to our week. Following this- children brought in artifacts from Grandfathers and Great Grand fathers which commemorated their contribution to past conflicts- thank you children!

One of my favourite parts of being a teacher is sharing a good novel with the class. This week we started reading The Midnight Fox by Betsy Byers. It is a lovely book written over 50 years ago. Despite its age the book speaks directly to children all about friendship and family. The children have laughed with the main character and also felt his pain. In maths we have ploughed on with our mental maths strategies- we are becoming much more fluent- well done everyone. RE has dominated the week as we reach the point at which we wanted to write a letter to the President of the USA. President Trump is not taking global warming seriously and the children wanted to persuade him to think again. I have begun marking these letters and they’re great- informed and emotional! I am going to take a little part of different letters to create one letter which we are all going to sign and send off. When the letter is ready I’ll attach it here so you can have a read. Mrs Gawthrope also taught RE this week as we began our new Topic “God’s Covenant” - she opened up the lessons with a dive into the life of Noah. In geography the children showed that they could locate and name most of the countries in North America and in art Mrs Curtis is having a ball with the printing work the children are undertaking. In PE we continued with gymnastics and outside we played netball in our PJs!!! In Music we began to learn our Christmas concert songs and in French we are learning parts of the body!

On Thursday Leo, Isabella and Evelin led us in a beautiful worship all about justice- thank you children. On Friday we all turned up in our PJs and raised money for Brain House- Thank you once again!

The ECO council got underway this week- the children have a new rota for jobs and it looks like our mission this year might be tree planting!!! We will keep you posted!


Choir and dance on Monday after school

Curriculum evening Thursday 21st November 6pm- come along and find out more about Mastery in maths. There will be opportunities for you to see what the children are learning and how. In the Learning for Life room there will also be an opportunity to explore the school website and discover so much more!