We have had a week of real Science discoveries! Our trip to UCLAN was amazing - and we were blown away with some of the children’s questions to the tutors! Children learned all about states of matter and even about acid, alkali and neutral substances. Have a look below - they were so engaged and of course loved the products they made!
We have also been examining changes in temperature in our Science lessons in class. We have even taken the temperature of our classroom throughout the day to look at how it changes!Children have produced their own movies all about solids, liquids and gases and have evaluated their movie making skills. Today they learned how to make animations in flipbook form and on purple mash - they can make one for homework too!
Thanks so much for all your kind donations today for Children in Need Day. All proceeds will go to Brian House. It was nice to meet so many new friends today - especially a very hard-working shark!!
Let’s Celebrate!
This week our Yoga stars were Olivia and Clayton for super yoga poses. Our Swimming stars were Jacob and Lily L.
A Lizzie Ladybird certificate went to Aya for improving so much this last few weeks in all she does. A Bobby Bee certificate went to Lily for always being so enthusiastic and learning so keenly. A Sadie Spider certificate went to Megan for trying so hard and being resilient if something is tricky. I am so lucky to have such a class of great learners!
Times tables stars
This week 4 Clara Clownfish points go these children who got 18/18 on their times tables test:
Harry, Faye, Lorna-Jane, Emma, Finian, Ava, Olivia, Elise, Georgia, Bella, Lily L, Daniel, Jessica, James, Sophie, Megan, Clayton, Kaya, Zac, Lily A, Victor.
Well done!
Please come along to our wonderful curriculum evening on Thursday night between 6pm-8pm. Our school will be full of maths activities which you can do together - a celebration of all things maths! There may even be some Year 4 ‘s helping with some activities. If you want to find out all about how to help your child it would be lovely to see you there!
Parish Pantomime - Rumplestiltskin - Friday 29th November. The class will be attending this as a nice (early) Christmas treat! The cost of the trip is £5 payable on parentpay please.
As the temperature goes down, its that time to snuggle up at home with your lovely children! Have a great weekend,
Mrs Lyons, Miss Atkinson, Mrs Mather and Mrs Kennedy.