Homework to be handed in Wednesday 4th December

Thank you so much for all the hard work and effort you put in to your ‘Save the Manchester Ridge-Back’ Dragon poster- they are truly wonderful and we cant’ wait to put them up on display in the classroom!

READING- Continue to read lots of at home- I am so pleased with the progress the children are making, we need to keep this up!

There are lots of great conversations about books between the children, it would be great if we could put up some reviews to share the books we would recommend to one another. This week, if you finish a book that you have enjoyed, then please complete a book review on Purple Mash- it should be under the ‘2do’ section so it will be easy to find.

SPELLING- This week I have decided, as the spellings are quite tricky and we are struggling with a couple of them, we should have another week to perfect them, but this time can you put the words in to a short paragraph that makes sense- maybe it could be a short story or a news report of a dragon sighting or even a humorous story? It would be great to read some of these out in class …

Probably Woman Therefore Important Recent Various

MATHS - On Purple Mash please complete the Maths to do activities on ‘Fact Families’ and’ Match Related Facts’