‘Read a thousand books, and your words will flow like a river.’

We have had another busy week in Year 1. In English we have been reading the story, Where the Wild Things are, and so far we are LOVING it. As a class we wrote a super description of the forest, where the little boy, Max, travels to. The children then wrote amazing descriptions of their own, but this time they were writing about a jungle. We were inspired by a video of a real jungle and a clip from the new Jungle Book film. Finally, this morning the children wrote predictions of what they think the Wild Things will do to Max. They are incredible! I am so proud of the brilliant writing the children are doing! I can’t wait to finish reading the story next week and begin learning it off by heart, with a story map.

In Maths, the children have continued their learning of numbers 11-20. This week we have been comparing groups of objects and numbers, as well as ordering groups of objects and numbers, forwards and backwards. Thank you so much for supporting the children with their maths home learning, the children really have grown in confidence this week.

In Geography this week, we have been continuing our learning about weather and the seasons. This week we looked at inland and coastal weather and discussed how they were similar and different. The children created a pictogram to show the weather in Torquay and Yeovil in January. They learned how the weather is generally sunnier and less rainy near the coast - lucky us!

Star of the Day

Every day I will be picking a star of the day! The star of the day will be someone who has shone Jesus’ light in our classroom and been a kind, resilient and focused learner. As I only pick one star of the day, these children should be very proud of themselves! This week the stars of the day have been: Liam, Layla, Natasha and Niamh. (We started on Tuesday, so next week there will be 5 stars!)

Class Tiger

This week the Tiger has chosen to come home with Roseanna. Roseanna, the Tiger has loved your writing in English this week! Well done you, keep it up!

Let’s celebrate

Keep Improving Lizzie Ladybird -  For continuously trying to improve your handwriting. Dominic, I am so impressed with how much your handwriting has improved. Every lesson, your handwriting is neater from the lesson before and it is so wonderful to see. You should be so proud of yourself Dominic.

Creative Kiki Chameleon - For writing a BRILLIANT jungle description. Elsie, when I read your jungle description I was transported to the jungle. Your use of adjectives was brilliant. You focused so hard to write brilliant sentences and lots of them. I am very proud of the beautiful writer you are becoming!


  • PE kit to be worn on a Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Please note that the children should wear a full tracksuit, as per the school’s uniform policy - not just shorts. Children are to wear their shorts for Yoga on a Wednesday and indoor PE on a Friday. I suggest that children wear their shorts underneath their tracksuit bottoms, so that they can easily change.

  • Thank you for your patience on Thursday, when the children were a little late coming out of the classroom. The children really wanted to bring home their super art work and I underestimated how long it would take to hand them out!

Have a lovely weekend and God bless,

Miss Lane, Miss Woodrow and Mrs Malley