The fire service came to visit!!

On Wednesday afternoon we had a visit from the fire service. It was great fun, everyone got to go inside the engine and find out what equipment is kept in all the compartments. We even had a turn of squirting the hoses, it was so exciting!

The children continue their passion of learning about the planets and the solar system. This week we have designed our own rocket and using computer technology to make ourselves into astronauts and visit our favourite planet.

Sarah has started a display using recycled materials. She is creating planet earth to emphasis how single use plastics are damaging our world. We all watched a short video about how plastics find their way into the seas and hurt the animals and creatures who live there and it was sad to see. After a short discussion we decided to do something about it! The children throughout the week have become more aware of wasting resources such as paper and now notice how much plastic we throw away each day. To help us in our quest to take care of planet earth we are asking you to join us by not using single use plastics in lunch boxes etc and instead use reusable pots. Together we can make a difference.

Finally, could I please ask, if your child brings show and tell to nursery could you ensure that it is named, not too large and only one item. At the moment we are struggling to accommodate some of the life size toys that are arriving. As always we are grateful for your support.