Homework to be handed in Wednesday 29th January

MATHS- Please complete the calculations on below in your homework books, by following the methods we have been doing in class shown below. The children have been working hard on these in class, so therefore should know what to do in each method. You can decide which one works best, but try and show it in your working out.

maths calculations.PNG
help sheet of methods.PNG

Could you also please practice your numbers bonds to 100 to make sure you have that instant recall it is so important and will help you with ALL of your adding and subtracting in the future…

Make it a game …here is a brilliant game to help you practice- you could even have a go at beating your mum, dad or brother/ sister!

READING - Keep reading EVERY night at home. It is important to read alongside an adult, where they can ask questions about the text and you can discuss events that happen in the book.

SPELLING- Please practice your NEW Year 3 tricky spellings (I have added some in there that we are forever getting wrong also to mix it up a little)

Might Doesn’t Probably Maybe Library Circle

Think about the different ways I have given you to learn these spellings- which one do you like best? Which one works best for you?


In class we have been revising compound sentences from our Year 2, the children are doing really well with this but do need lots of practice in order for them to use different sentence structures in their own writing. Please complete the compound sentence sheet in their books.

Compound sentences are when two main clauses are linked together using a coordinating conjunction. Have a look at the picture below to help:



Can you please complete the research sheet in your homework books finding out who the inventors of electricity were and any information you can find out about them.