Year 3 Homework to be handed in Wednesday 13th November

READING- Please make sure you are reading to an adult for at least 20 minutes EVERY night and get them to ask you questions about the text, I can’t stress how important this is! Are you quizzing regularly enough? Are you reading books that you enjoy? Are you challenging yourselves with the books you are choosing?

SPELLING- Like last week the spelling is from Year 2’s key spelling list, just to remind ourselves of how to spell some of those tricky words. Like last week, make sure you know when you would use these words by putting them in to different sentences out loud with an adult or in your books. We will be quizzing on them as part of our spelling lesson next week:

People Money Hour Everybody Clothes Behind Children With

Once again, if you want more of a challenge then please feel free to practice some of our Year 3 and 4 key spellings on the following website.

MATHS - Please complete the IXL strand B2 and B4 under ‘comparing and ordering’ to practice our use of the greater than and less than sign- we must make sure we do not get mixed up with which way the crocodile snaps! I will be checking who has completed these strands on Wednesday.

ASSEMBLY PREPARATION - Children have now been given their lines to learn for the assembly on the 19th November. Could you please make sure they learn their lines off by heart with lots of expression and volume. The lyrics of the song that we are learning as a class for the assembly have also been sent, if children could use the clip below to practice and sing a long to that would be great- they must also try to learn this song off by heart …