Year 6 Home Learning - Wednesday 6th November

What an improvement in the standard of homework, it is so lovely to see the efforts that the children are putting in. The work on the Battle of Bosworth is great!

Spelling: words ending in -ence. Remember, the words that we looked at last week were adjectives, they are now turning into nouns.

science, offence, violence, audience, sequence, patience, reference, obedience, existence, influence, experience, dependence, difference, competence, commence.

Maths - continue to work through strand B on IXL. Please do not worry if you are finding some areas tricky, I can see from the analysis which areas you are finding difficult and we can look at it in class.

History - Using the research that you completed on the Battle of Bosworth last week, can you turn this into a newspaper article on Purple Mash. Think carefully about the fonts that you are using and the format of your work. Remember that your work is all about detail. I want to see depth to your writing. I would like to see:

  • Who was involved in the battle?

  • Where did it take place?

  • When did it take place?

  • What happened at the battle?

  • Could you include a quote of someone who was there? Use your imagination.

English - can you find 10 facts about William Shakespeare that will contribute to our biography on him next week.