"Nothing humbles a man like gravity"

This week was filled with tricky science! The children spent Monday exploring gravity and the theories of gravity. We have a good understanding of how gravity is the force pushing and pulling in the universe. We understand that all matter has a gravitational force but we can only feel the gravity exerted by object with a lot of matter - planets!! We know that it was Sir Isaac Newton who came up with the theory of gravity and that it is a force acting on all of us- all the time. Later in the week we learned how to measure force in Newtons, we made our own springs and then noticed that springs are part of a force meters. Next week we are going to explore how we have invented simple machines to reduce friction and how levers gears and pulleys help us to move heavy objects with very little force!!! In maths we have mastered column addition and subtraction. The children have continued to use their mental strategies as we solve problems. In English we continued with our class novel. This week Petie sent Tom a very funny questionnaire and the children wrote a new questionnaire from the character Tom to send back- very creative! In RE we have explored the ten commandments and how God was wanting to help us to be more like him. In PE we have moved the netball skills on and we are now playing full games- real progress here! Thank you to Darcey, Jayden and Tess for a lovely worship on Wednesday- all about trust.

Grow your Brain certificates went to: Archie and Chloe

Reminders for next week:

Christmas jumper and silly sock day next Friday! Bring a pound for Brian House

Christmas Concert Tuesday 17th December 2pm and 6:30pm at Church

Christmas party day Wednesday 18th