Welcome to Year 6 - 'Be the change that you want to see in the world.'

I hope that you have all had a wonderful Summer holiday and a chance to relax with family and friends. With only one week until we are back in school, I wanted to give you a few things to think about ready to start Year 6. Year 6 is an exciting year, jam packed with challenge and opportunity; it really will be up to the children how they want to lead and what they want to get involved in and set up for the children within in the school.

One of the first things that the children will be asked to think about is what position of responsibility they would like to apply for. The jobs that they can apply for are: digital leaders, PE monitor / Sports Captain, art monitor, librarians and office monitors. Over the next week, ask your children to have a little think about the two jobs that they think their skills apply to. In addition to the letters of application which we will be writing in class next week, the children will have the opportunity to run for House Captain on Monday 9th September. House Captain speeches are fantastic at Our Ladys and in recent years, all of the children in Year 6 have run for House Captain. The children need to think about how they are going to present their speech to their house. How are they going to ensure that their house votes for them to represent their house for the year.

Here are some top tips:

  • Be unique. How can your house captain stand out from everyone else? How will you ensure your speech is different?

  • Be creative. If you are memorable, you will be successful.

  • Be clear. Waffling means that your key messages get lost. Be clear as to why your house should vote for you.

  • Technology. In recent years, we have seen lots of technology used that is different to PowerPoint - what could you use?

  • Be passionate. Get across your love for your house and your school!

Any presentations can be sent to me via email to be opened in school on n.gregan@ourladystarofthesea.lancs.sch.uk

Organisation for Year 6

  • PE days will be on a Wednesday for the first 2 weeks and then a Wednesday and a Thursday thereafter. On Wednesday we will be doing yoga in the morning and then going to the YMCA for PE in the afternoon. Thursday will be indoor PE later on in the half term.

  • Pencil cases. Please make sure that your pencil cases are organised with all of the essential equipment so that you are ready to learn.

  • Welcome mass for the new year will be Thursday 5th September at 10am.

  • Year 6 Induction Night - Wednesday 11th September at 6pm. This is essential as I will cover all assessment questions for the end of the year and high school questions.

I look forward to welcoming you into Year 6 next Tuesday morning.

Mrs Gregan