Welcome back YEAR 5 !!!!!!!

Dear New Class,

I am looking forward to seeing you all on Tuesday next week. I have been busy planning exciting lessons and getting the classroom ready! I hope you have had a good rest and happy times with family! I wanted to give you a few important details about next week:

PE will be on Monday and Friday -Please wear your tracksuit with shorts ready to go for rugby and dance.

Please bring a well stocked pencil case. You will need:

Pencil case moderate in size and funkiness.

Blue and black pen (plus spare). Please make sure this pen is a ball point, comfortable and helps you to write neatly. Please avoid art pens and very thin ink pens. No fountain or gel pens - Thank you. I do have spare ink joy pens in class which are triangular in design and aid handwriting if you need to borrow one.

Pencil plus spare.

Rubber and sharpener (closed sharpeners are best as you can empty them at the end a sesson).

Highlighters (three colours).

Glue stick (optional- available in class).

Purple pen (optional) - I have these in class. We call them the purple pens of progress and use them all the time to edit and improve work.

Set of colouring pencils to keep in your tray (optional)

One smile!

Moving away from stationery! The whole school will be celebrating mass together on Thursday morning. If you would like to walk down with us please come to Reception for 9:15am. During the second week of term you are all invited to our annual induction evening, this will take place on Wednesday 11th Sept at 6pm. You may also like to pop the 1st October into your diary too as Year 5 will be performing in their class assembly.

Kind Regards

Mrs Hotchkiss your new Year 5 teacher!