"Blessed are the curious for they shall have adventures"

Dear Parents,

I have made the blog more formal this week because I need to communicate some very important dates. This term is super busy and Year 5 are out and about a lot. I have listed here the key dates and details. Firstly, on Wednesday 5th February the Eco-council will be walking down to the beach to take part in the dune maintenance work. I have sent a letter home today and the slips need to be returned. I have invited the small group of children in Year 5 who are not on the council to come and join us- they too have a letter. Click here for this letter

On Friday 7th February is our trip to London and The Houses of Parliament (Click to read the letter sent before Christmas). Please visit Parent Pay for this great value for money experience- this needs to be paid by Wednesday January 15th thank you. I know all the children are very excited. We will be investigating how Parliament works shortly and how they pass Laws.

On the 4th and 5th of March Year 5 will be taking part in the Royal Shakespeare festival at the Grand in Blackpool. We will be performing three scenes for The Taming of the Shrew as other schools perform the other scenes to produce an abridged version of the play. The whole class will be involved and we will be performing on the stage at the Grand on the 5th at 1pm and again at 6pm. Tickets for the performances are available from the box office. Further details will be shared nearer the time.

On Monday 9th of March we will be visiting “The Young Scientist Centre” at UCLAN in Preston to complete experiments all linked to our work on Space. We will be travelling on the train and the trip will cost £10. You can pay for this trip on Parent Pay from this Friday, but this trip doen’t have to be paid for unbtil the end of February.


Thank you for all your support

Mrs Hotchkiss

We have had a wonderful week - we have leaped into the learning and the children have all clearly benefited from a good break!

Awards this week went to: Sol and Zofia