Homework to be handed in Wednesday 5th February

READING - How often is your child quizzing? Do they bring their books home every night? Are they reading every night? It is the responsibility of children to make sure they quiz if they finish their book in school as they get reading time to do this every day. Please keep reading EVERY night at home. It is important to read alongside an adult, where they can ask questions about the text and you can discuss events that happen in the book.

SPELLING-One more week to practice these tricky spellings:

Might Doesn’t Probably Maybe Library Circle

Think about the different ways I have given you to learn these spellings- which one do you like best? Which one works best for you?


In class we are starting to learn about how we can change our sentence structures and how we can make complex sentences. We are looking at what a subordinate clauses? Subordinate clauses are different to main clauses as they do not make sense of their own- usually because they have a subordinating conjunction within them, such as ‘although’ ‘before’ ‘which’. Please can the children complete the worksheets in their books, adding a main clause to each of the subordinate clauses. Can they spot the subordinate conjunction? Can they circle it on the sheet if they can find it?


MATHS - The children have been working hard on crossing boundaries when adding and subtracting. Please can the children use the partitioning method (Method B from last week) to calculate the following calculations in their books:

maths calculations 2.PNG