This week....

This week the children have been celebrating Harvest. We have been finding out about all the fabulous foods which grow on our planet, nurtured by the farmers. On Tuesday everyone gathered in our outside learning environments to say a big ‘thank you’ to God for creating earth and sending us the sunshine and rain so we can grow yummy food in abundance, we are so grateful.

The children have been singing and dancing to the Harvest Samba, it’s such good fun we thought you may like to join in at home? Click here to access the video and enjoy!

Also, the children have been learning the story of Little Rabbit Foo Foo by Michael Rosen. Everyone knows it off by heart and last week we made a stage in the garden and performed it for Reception. If you click on the button below you can join in at home!

As you are aware next week we break up for half term, time has flown and we have learnt so much! We are all so pleased with how the children have settled in to nursery, especially under such unprecedented circumstances, and this I feel is down to you. As parents I must say a big thank you for all your wonderful support, and for your hard work in preparing your children to start nursery, it has been very much appreciated by all the nursery team.

I hope everyone manages to have some family time together and the weather is kind to us all. In case of rainy days I will be posting a 'Let’s Learn at Home’ booklet with ideas and activities to enjoy at home. Watch this space!!!
