Year 6 Home Learning - Wednesday 14th October 2020

This is your final homework of this half term. I want to thank you for all of your efforts at home this half term. It has really made a difference to what we are getting through in class and the quality of learning that you are producing.

Spelling: this is a revision week of all of the spellings that you have had this half term so far. There will be a 20 random word spelling test on all of the suffix work that we have completed. Make sure that you revisit the spellings on the home learning.

Maths - this is to be completed over the half term holiday. Keep your maths ticking along!

C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, C6, C7

These strands are all multiplication strands.

Do not forget Times Table Rockstars! I have had a look and some people have not been on for over 10 days!

Hit the Button - Division Facts

Use Hit the Button to practise those division facts.

Geography - choose one of these Amazon Animals to research.

Amazon Rainforest animal research.PNG

This is a task that I have set you on Purple Mash. Be creative with your presentation.

Jaguar, Pootoo, Red Eyed Tree Frog, Scarlett Macaw, Sloth, Emerald Tree Boa

You have a blank document that has been set for you on Purple Mash but this document to the left may help you.

Think about:

  • The image of your animal.

  • Introduction about them.

  • Appearance.

  • Habitat

  • Diet

  • Interesting facts