"Breathe in experience, breathe out poetry" M Rukeyser

Poetry and drama dominated the second half of our week. We took the events of the Battle of Marathon (last weeks history) and we explored them those words and actions. Using the teaching strategies we share with the Royal Shakespeare Company the children revisited the key events of the battle. Then we created a sensory walk of the battlefield when- everything was over. Below you can see pictures of us as we guide one another - blindfolded. After this sensory experience, the children collected the language together to reorganize it into a poem. Together, in groups of four, the children then performed the poems using their voices and bodies- the poems were very sad but the performances fun to watch! In maths we have reached 1 million with our place value work - we will be exploring negative numbers and decimals next. In English we have revisited fronted adverbial phrases and used these as we wrote diaries! I wrote a diary for King Darius, who was defeated at the Battle of Marathon and the children wrote Militades’ diary, the Athenian given the credit for defeating the Persians - I can’t wait to mark them! In RE we explored the environmental impact we are having on the planet and we realised that not everything in the world is fair and there are problems that need selfless solutions. In art Mrs Curtis is having and wonderful time and don’t forget to visit her art gallery to see our fabulous work! Madame Jefferson loved the French lesson this week she commented on how settled the class are and Miss Mallinson is inspiring us through some challenging music appreciation! All in all a fantastic week of work!

This weeks Growth Mindset Certificates went to: Elise and Clayton- well done!!


Spelling test on Wednesdays and they test is then stuck into the back of their homework books.

This week homework books have gone home - please read homework carefully. The children are responding to feedback given on Purple Mash.

The On-Line homework this week was of a very high standard well done everyone who went that extra mile- it is always worth it.

The Year 5 curriculum overview is now live - just press the “Learning Overview” on our class page. You will notice a few adjustments due to the current situation, but I have to say without assemblies and other whole school commitments- plus a class eager to learn - I’m rocking through the learning!

Have a lovely weekend

Mrs H xx