Please make sure that home learning books are returned to school by next Thursday.. Thank you.
Read at home every day. You can quiz during school time when a book has been completed.
(Parents: Don’t forget you can check on your child’s progress on Accelerated Reader - this will let you know which books they have read and quizzed on and also their progress towards their reading target—some children are very close to reaching their targets. Well done children)
IXL maths using the IXL website. Please complete units A5, A6 and A7
Please learn the spellings below ready for a spelling quiz in class next Thursday.
Don’t forget to find different activities from “Fun Ways to Learn your Spellings” sheet to help your child to learn their spellings.
busy length height possess dryness sleepiness goodness spiciness
The children should be able to write the spellings independently - this will need to be written clearly and correctly during the spelling quiz.
Please write each of the spellings in a sentence. Challenge: Can you underline the nouns (blue), verbs (green) and adjectives (red)?
Find out about your baptism. Write the answers to these questions in your home learning book. Please answer in full sentences, using capital letters and full stops correctly.
When were you baptised? Where were you baptised? Who baptised you? Who were your godparents?
Look at any photos you might have of your baptism and think of your own questions that you would like to ask to find out about more about what happens during baptism.
Write your questions in your home learning book. Remember to write your questions in full sentences and use a question mark at the end of the question please. (Can you use different question words? Eg Why? Where? Who? How? What?)