Year 6 Blog - ‘Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.’ –Benjamin Franklin

I am going straight into it this week and sharing what a wonderfully jam-packed week we have had. Enjoy watching!

With so much going on at the moment, it can be hard to stop and reflect and think about everything that we have achieved. Sometimes we only think about the things that we have yet to master or our gigantic to do list. This week I made myself do just that - stop and reflect. Please visit the curriculum learning overview on the Year 6 page to see where our learning will be going over the course of the year.

In Year 6 we have:

  • Completed our place value unit in maths - we can now revisit and consolidate this throughout the year.

  • Completed our geography unit on South America. We are using this information to bring our computing to life and we are currently building some interactive books.

  • We have very nearly finished our biography unit of work. Just an Outcome 2 biography on Anne Frank to write next week then we can apply this skill across the curriculum.

  • Our athletics unit is completed with some very impressive personal bests.

  • And so, so, so much more.

You may have noticed us make some cards in the video. Very bright, beautiful cards that will make people smile. We have always had a close link with Stella Matutina Care Home in Lytham. In recent years, our school choir have visited the home to sing for the residents who live there. With restrictions in place, the residents are feeling increasingly isolated so we have decided to cheer them up. Through our RHE curriculum, we have looked at community. Each child has been allocated a resident who they will be writing to throughout the year. We hope to connect with the residents and to make them smile.

Today’s class council was very well run and organised by our councilors. This week we discussed equipment outside. The children have been playing together as one big class this week - it has been really lovely. There was some excellent suggestions about how we can maintain that as well as integrating equipment. Well done Year 6!

Hip Hip - Time to Celebrate

Well done to this week’s learners Jakub and Alice!

Jakub has had a star week in class. Meticulous presentation in every single book and such an enthusiastic approach to our new times tables programme! He has set the bar high. Well done Jakub!

I am so impressed with Alice’s writing confidence this week. She has soaked up all of the language that we have been immersed in this half term and has used it to really captivate the reader. Her biography on William Shakespeare is really good. I cannot wait to see what she produces next week on Anne Frank.

St Bedes Applications

Please can all blue forms for St Bedes be returned by Monday so that we can collate them with birth certificates. St Bedes have produced an induction video on their school website for pupils and their families who have applied to go to St Bedes. Please click on the button below to view the video.

Have a wonderful weekend with your families - hopefully the proposed storm stays away for a few more days.

God bless

Mrs Gregan and Mrs Webster