"What we learn with pleasure we never forget!"

Welcome Back! The children returned back to school on Monday full of enthusiasm and ready for the new term ahead. After finding their new learning spaces and discovering what their new class job for the term will be, it was time to get back into learning. We enjoyed watching an assembly created by Year 6 which brought last term’s virtues ‘grateful and generous’ to a lovely close. If you haven’t had chance to watch this yet, please do. It can be found on the Year 6 learning page. This term we are looking forward to growing to be eloquent and truthful. Some lovely discussions have already taken place in class and we are all looking forward to developing these qualities further.

In maths we have continued to develop our addition and subtraction skills. We looked at exchanging when both adding and subtracting, and although this is an incredibly tricky skill, the class were real ‘Don’t Give Up Sadie Spiders’ and felt confident by the end of the lesson. Well done Year 2 - we will be using these skills to help us to add and subtract 2 digit numbers next week.

The children were introduced to our new genre ‘Traditional Tales’ in English. They had fun matching images from stories to book titles on Monday and it was great to discover which stories they already know and which they want to delve into deeper. We then used dictionaries to help us to explore some of the vocabulary that we may come across. This is yet another incredibly challenging skill that we have learned this week and is something that can definitely be practised at home.

We also managed to finish our Florence Nightingale learning in History, where we used our knowledge to create a timeline of Florence’s life. The class are now excited to start our new Geography topic ‘My World and Me!’

Alongside all of this magnificent learning, we were delighted to discover that it was finally our turn on the new and improved trim trail!

What a busy first week back we have had Year 2! I can’t wait for the term ahead!

Let’s Celebrate

What an inquisitive learner you are Archie!  You are always asking questions to find out more and you use the answers to deepen your learning and understanding further.  The class also love seeing your enthusiasm and delight when you have spotted a connection in your learning, as these help your friends to learn and see connections too.  Never lose this curious nature of yours Archie, it will get you far! 

Luke, you have been such a determined Sadie Spider since returning to school after the half term holidays.  You have tried your best to stay focused in every lesson and haven’t once given up when something has looked challenging or difficult.  I am really proud of you Luke, you have stuck with the learning to grow that brain of yours.  Keep this up and you will achieve great things in Year 2!


Child absence due to illness - If your child is absent from school due to illness, we are now asking for you to inform us of this through the school website. After accessing the school website homepage, if you click the DISCOVER section, then ATTENDANCE, you will now see REPORTING AN ILLNESS. It is also still quite handy if you could send a quick email to myself too. Thank you.

Home School Agreement - There are still many families who haven’t completed the home school agreement. A link for this was attached to the Mid Term Report email sent on Friday 23rd October. Please complete this form as soon as possible. If you are having trouble accessing the link, please send me a quick email and I will resend it.

Have a lovely weekend with your families,
MIss Woodend, Mrs Connolly, Mrs Malley and Mrs Carter