"To be or not to be" Hamlet

You may have guessed from the quote above that we have started our short study of Hamlet. We are a Royal Shakespeare Associate school and this involves us in all kinds of exciting theatrical adventures. Sadly we are unable to go to the theatre, but the theatre is coming to us. We have purchased tickets for a live broadcast of Hamlet in the week beginning 16th November! We have been introduced to some of the themes in the play and we have recreated the whole story using freeze frames and famous lines! Next week we will meet the ghost of Hamlet’s deceased father!!! We have also written our very own legends we had a few very quite lessons when the everyone turned into authors! In Maths we have really pulled apart the concept of inversion for addition and subtraction and used bar modeling to help us to solve trickier word problems. In addition, we explored the zero when subtracting and how to use adjusting to help us sometimes! Mrs Ward returned for our Yoga session on Wednesday which was totally relaxing. In contrast, the rugby lesson on Friday was all action and touchdowns! I can really see improving skills here. In RHE we explored the story of Jesus calming the storm and recognizing that he is always there for us and on Thursday we welcomed Mrs Harrison back. Mrs Harrison will be working in school every Thursday and has joined our Year 5 bubble - we feel very lucky! Mrs Curtis started painting this week and as always our work is celebrated in full on the art and design pages!! Finally at the end of the week we had a beautiful council. One member of the class wanted to say something really lovely about another member, and this snowballed into a celebration of everyone very spontaneous and beautiful!

Grow you Brain Certificates this week went to: Bella and Ava- well done!


At the end of last term I sent out end of term reports and examples of the children’s work. Attached to the bottom of this email was a link to an online form- Home School Agreement. In light of the many changing in school life at present this form which is usually shared at induction evening has been rewritten and digitally formatted. If you haven’t yet completed it online can you please do so this week.


Informing school about absence due to illness has also become easier. On the Discover page of the school website and through the Attendance button you will find a link called REPORTING AN ILLNESS. Please use this online form to inform school.

We cannot thank you enough for you help and support - sadly at arms length and digitally!!!

Mrs H xx