Year 6 Blog - 'Compassion is an action word with no boundaries.'

Compassion, it is such a big word with such an important meaning. This week in RE we have looked at times when Jesus showed mercy and compassion. He didn’t just show it to people who were one type of member of society, He showed to everyone - from every aspect of society. We have been looking at how we can bring compassion and mercy to our community and to the people in our lives.

This video has a mix of learning from the last week of half term and then this week in class. Enjoy the photographs of our science electricity investigations and the animal masks. We really enjoyed watching Can you See Me? as a class book. Although we purely read it for pleasure, we gained so much from it and learnt a lot of lessons about compassion and how we treat people. I have been in touch with the author of the book and she is doing a live Q&A session for us in class. We will be virtually connecting with her in our classroom after Christmas to discuss all of the wonderful things from the book and everything that we loved. She does have a sequel to the book Do You Know Me? which I have ordered a few copies for class. It may be a good Christmas present. If you click on the book title, it will take you the Amazon page to get a copy! We have moved onto Skellig this week - a book full of mystery and intrigue. I cannot wait to share this with the class over the next half term.

As it is a new half term, here are the units of work that we will be covering on the run up to Christmas:

English writing - Romeo and Juliet

English Reading - Skellig

Maths - Division, word problems, fractions and decimals.

RE - Justice

History - Tudor Britain

Science - Evolution and Inheritance

RHE - Created and loved by God.

Learning Celebrations

The children have clearly read their reports carefully as they have been eager to improve their learning and hit those targets that I have set. Well done to Frankie and Ethan for a wonderful week of learning.

Frankie is our reflective learner. He has contributed some outstanding examples of language when we have been working on implied meanings this week. He is challenging himself to show depth in everything that he does. Well done Frankie.

Ethan is our cooperative learner. He is always doing something for somebody else and offering to help when and where he can. Ethan has also shown depth in his work this week, especially in science. Thank you Ethan, you make our class a better place.

Reporting an absence due to illness

In the current climate, we are finding that there is a lot of phone calls coming into the office about illness. We have now devised an online form that you can complete if your child is going to be absent from school due to illness. Please use this in the first instance before ringing the office.

The form can be found on the Discover Page - Attendance - then click on the button Reporting an illness

Reporting and Illness Button

It is also handy if you could send an email to myself too. Thank you

Home School Agreement

When you received your child’s report via email, there was a link to complete the home - school agreement. Thank you to those parents who have done theirs, if you haven’t had time to just yet, please can you clink on the link to complete the form. Thank you

Home School Agreement

Walking home from school

The children seem to have found their rhythm with walking home from school now and they are all walking home in a sensible way, as true ambassadors of the school. In order to tie in with the staggered school times and to ensure that they all get the same amount of time in school, I will be letting the children who walk home leave in two groups.

3.25pm - Harcourt and Marsden Walkers

3.28pm - Plessington and Bamber Walkers

I know the children walk home with different children. We have discussed that they can wait for each other beyond the school gates and then walk home from there.

Have a lovely weekend. Hopefully the sun will continue to shine for a little longer.

God bless

Mrs Gregan and Mrs Webster